Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Faces of Seagrape Part Two

 The faces of he Seagrape change with the light. Above a new leaf with sun from the front. Below a new leaf with the sun behind it.

 Above is a rare shot, taken in January 2 years ago when the cold caused all the leaves to fall off, this has only happened twice in 20 years to our tree. (carvers like to use the wood, it is easy to carve with)
 Common sight in February, the leaves fall to the ground, but the new growth is already there, and most of the time it is covered in leaves year round. They are hardy plants and love salt water. They are habitats for many birds and snake and small mice.
April leaves on the ground and in the middle, new leaves in center of old leaves about to fall off, enlarge for details.


  1. Interesting..and pretty too. I love leaves. I didn't look into this yet. I hope your feeling better!

  2. Great shots Sandra, I really like the last one with the new and old growth together.

  3. I wish sea grapes would grow up here in my part of Florida but I think it's too cold for them.

  4. how very unusual and varied ...

  5. What a variety of images from one plant!

  6. I love that last picture of the speckled leaves, but it's the second picture that amazes me. That lone new red leaf, it is surrounded by a corona, like rays of the sun, only rays of leaves!! You DID do that on purpose? Fantastic.

  7. It was like a walk in the seasons there - your trees lose their leaves and then the new leaves are right there to take over - is that what you said? You really don't have a winter there.

    Wonderful pictures.

    Hope you are having fun today.

  8. Stuning stunning pictures again!!!

    Always love to come and visit your blog!

    and THANK YOU for voting for vanilla bean! We'll see how far we get! ;-)

  9. OK... heard the word "snakes"... can't help but shiver.
    I really, really don't like snakes.

  10. I chose to skip right over the "s" word... yep - will even admit to it.
    Those leaves are cool - fun to see them change...
