Saturday, June 18, 2011

High Pass in Photo Shop

 Taken with Nikon Coolpix, auto flower, out of the camera, no edit
 with  fill flash, same time same shot, out of the camera, no edit. note the difference with no flash and fill flash, the only change. Moving the camera side to side and up and down, changes the light behind the subject
High Pass Edit to sharpen done in Photoshop.... subtle difference but a lot sharper.
Photoshop High Pass to sharpen
1. Open photo, duplicate layer
2. Filter/Other/High Pass
3. go to layers/down arrow next to Normal/choose soft light


  1. Very detailed and pretty. Looks shiny and waxy.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend my dear-

  2. Yes, it brings out the detail and texture, cool way to make a photo pop.

    Have a nice weekend.

  3. New Growth is always so delicate and unique, In plants. I love these.

  4. I do not have Photoshop? but sometimes use Photobucket for a bit of changes....Love your differences in your leaves

  5. I wrote down those instructions and will try it soon.I like the look of the High Pass Sharpening.

  6. Nice to see your photoshop skills and such good results. I have never really sharpened an image this way I tend to use Unsharp mask in the filter section under sharpen it gives a lot of control. I will however try this way to compare the difference. Thanks Sandra

  7. I had photoshop found it to be frustrating so gave up. So i use the safari program that came on my laptop. Maybe one day i will give it a try again. I think your camera does a good job. I do like the differences in the leaves.

  8. Beautiful!
    great detail and they look so bright!

    i wish i could use photoshop.
    i need to learn how asap.

    betty xx

  9. I'm really a beginner at digital photography. I didn't realize that fill flash could improve the photo like that.

  10. Hmmm...well, I can't help it, I still like the first one better!!

  11. What a nice lesson in photography - everything changes the pictures ever so lightly. They were all pretty though.

  12. Loved the palmetto in header and your brief tutorial. BUt your driving into 60 saga was priceless. Loved it, loved it, loved it!

  13. what a huge difference it made using the fill flash. I used to use high pass a lot

  14. The fill flash can make an amazing difference.
    I like the middle one better, the background is darker, at least on my monitor.

  15. I was just looking at the times on your post and comments. I know we have a three hour time difference but were you really up at 3:36 AM or did you have this scheduled? That was about ten minutes after I went to bed.

    I was just on another blog and it's Sunday there. This is like traveling through multiple time zones at mach 1.

  16. Great post and examples. Thanx! Happy Fathers' day to the Fathers in your life.

  17. Wow .Stunning. I have to try this..
    I have looser written all over me when it come to doing things like this.
