Friday, June 17, 2011

The Way We Were....and ARE

When Bob and I married in 1985 at age 40 and 48, we spent every moment in the sun, on the beach, we both worked long hours and every Tuesday morning, we went out to breakfast at Bif Burger. Bif's had a grill, the kind they used to have in bars, and opened early for breakfast, cooked to order on that grill.

Early AM, we lifted the tops off the corvette, fitted our bodies into the seats, propped our arms on the doors, and off we went. the ride was about 6 minutes.

We talk a lot, really a lot, then and now. we are cruising and talking, and we drove under an overpass and as the shadow crossed our heads, I said "is there an overpass on the way to Bif's?" Bob's answer was "no!"

we laughed hysterically as he swung around and we headed back, we had talked our way past 49th street for a total of a mile and never knew it until we went under the overpass.

BifBurger is still there, we miss it. and the Corvette. but then I am to old and creaky to climb in and out
The tall skinny dude is my 17 year old son that came with me into our marriage. Below is Bob, the reciever of the dual package when he married me.

a few months later, we were returning from Savannah to St Pete, in the small town of Baldwin, FL, and I said "look at those girls, it is freezing out here and they all 3 have on short shorts."
as we drove, I said "the road looks strange, there is no lip on the side of 301." bob said "it does look strange" I said "is there a red brick courthouse that says McKinney county on it on 301?"

guess who missed the left turn, AGAIN
we were driving the Grand Prix in 1986, see below the cars we owned in 86

I am telling this story to remind myself my Senior Moments have been going on since I was FORTY, so this makes me feel better when I spray my hair with eye glasses cleaner instead of hair spray and slap at gnats flying around my head and realize they are floaters in my antique eyes.
This is what I got for my 60th birthday, we both love it.
This is our life, from Vette's to Trucks


  1. aw, Sanrda that is a wonderful post!
    it's great getting to know you better.

    and that car is awesome!

    lovely photos, too!

    betty xx

  2. I can see how you and Bob would have missed your turn driving that cool Corvette, the miles go by quick.

    What a fun post, it was fun seeing you two and your cars. Bif's sounds like a great place, there aren't many like that any more.

  3. Hi Sandra, The vette looked like a fun car, but your pickup is certainly quite nifty - what a nifty 60th bday present too!

  4. Thanks for sharing your wonderful memories this morning!

  5. I am glad to hear that I am not alone in those senior moments.Have a great day.

  6. I have been there with you. I once drove 20 minutes out of my way while a friend and I Yackity-Yacked. While traveling, my mother and I Yacked our way out of a Wendy's parking lot. Instead of immediately getting back on the interstate I turned up a rural road and drove about 20 miles before either of us realized my mistake. I love your new truck. Everyone needs a truck.

  7. Nice Vette! Cool story....thanks for sharing....

  8. Now I just loved that - first of all - got to know you and Bob better - saw your son and your cars.

    Love to hear you and Bob talk so much you forget all time and space!

    And I love your new truck! What a great surprise.

    Life is always changing - change is good!

  9. lol....I've had that happen also...nice's fun learning about our pals..

  10. I LOVE it!!!!! Wow to the Vette!! BUT now I want you both to go back to Bif Burger, wouldn't it be fun?? You don't have to take the could have a date morning there maybe once a month and go off your diet then, now I really want to see pictures of it, the outside, the inside, the FOOD!!! I also love your take on Senior Moments!! And you and Bob are exactly like Phil and I!!! I was amazed to read this! Almost every week, we miss a turn because we are talking so happens all the time! And we have gotten badly lost because of this, just another good reason to have the GPS. People tell us that they listen to their car radio, and don't know how we can have so much to talk about. I wonder about their marriages...

  11. I like this post! From Vettes to Trucks, and senior moments :)

  12. Terrific truck Sandra and wow, I love your Vette. Great life story and Senior Moments....oh boy....They sure come by and visit me often.
    Dave and I always say that our 2 faulty brains combine to make one decent one.

  13. Hi, that vet is the spitting image and color of the gentleman I told you I worked for-had..he's been through a few. I always liked the camaro for the same body style..I suppose jags too as they have the tapered back end.
    Slapping gnats and eye glass cleaner (lol).Cute photos frome the past!!

  14. Sandra,I think I enjoyed this post as much if not more than any you have ever done.
    I never realized you and "Pirate" Bob were, once so rich What happened? Marriage? LOL

  15. Great photos! Great post!! Love the cars. A Vette would not work for me either. Anything I have to bend down to get in or struggle to get out of will not work. Love the truck too. Both of us drive trucks. Yes, aging certainly changes things. We have to try and bear it gracefully and you two certainly do that.... :-)

  16. What a fabalous story!!!!!! I love how you wrote it and the photos to go along with it. How adorable. This is all about sharing and wow it is sweet that you shared this one. I will be emailing you personally soon because I have some questions. What a delight to read this post this morning!!

  17. Well, I'll be turning 60 this year...I'm showing THIS to Hubby!!!Hahaaaa...
    Time passes SO darn fast...
    Love the photos!

  18. That was a nice little trip down your memory lane. What an awesome birthday present. I'm having some of those senior moments myself.

  19. What a fun post - I LOVE the old pics! :o)

  20. I tell you, you all are one hip awesome couple.. from Vet to truck, Amazing how life changes. That was like us from a Mercedes to a SUV and now a Avalon...

    Oh, Being in Ophthalmology I know about floaters and the games they can play on the vision. Once I found myself mesmerized while sitting out on a clear day, watching my floaters only to regain my mind and to find the man I was dating looking at me like I had lost all marbles. That is not something you want to do on a date but he loved me and married me....Floaters and all.... the mind, that is still a question.

  21. Love, love, love the photos. Would you believe I drove an 86 Grand Prix also!!!
    That's a gorgeous Vette.
    p.s. I got down in the aisle at WalMart just now to get cat food and could not get back up!!!
