Friday, June 24, 2011

MadSnapper 101 - Poolside

 One of the rules of being a MadSnapper, is being able to entertain myself with my camera no matter WHERE I am or in WHAT. While doing my arthritis exercises, i pulled myself up the steps and dripped across the kitchen floor (where is hubby when I need him) and got back in the pool.  Here is The Story

(did anyone notice my angel wings are showing in above photo)
If swimming is good for your figure, how do you explain WHALES?
When I was a child, I swam at a pool that had the sign

"Welcome to our _OOL, Notice there is no "P" in it. We'd like to keep it that way".

 NOT through the looking glass, but through the skimmer net. I told you I was a MadSnapper

 See the sea-grape at the end of the pool? from the last 3 post?


  1. It took me a minute to figure out how you did the first shot and then I realized you were using the view screen. Very cool (literally and figuratively)shots. Love the view across your pool looking at the banana tree and sea grapes.

  2. i love your imagination....great photos...

  3. Okay - you are a madsnapper - you have earned your title in my book.

    What a nice, nice, did I say nice pool? In your own backyard.

    And yes, you have angel wings behind you in the water.

    And that pool looks so refreshing.


    And why are whales so big? Good question.

  4. These are great photos and angel wings too!

  5. I love them!! really!..keep on snapping girl!

  6. Oh, cool pictures... Is your camera waterproof? I don't think I'd dare take mine into the pool... (and of course I cannot take a camera to the hospital pool... don't think 'the other whales' would be happy about it!) I did notice your angel wings.

  7. love that blue bubble in the next to last shot ...

  8. LOVE it!!! All so cool and pretty. And I know that we are ALL wishing we had pools now! In the header and the last picture, you do appear to have some gout in your elbow, ha ha! I don't know if I've ever seen water shadows before! And I DO see your angel wings!! Glad you didn't fly away before you finished this post!

  9. stunning photos, and great perspective!

    so refreshing!
    love the header too!

    happy weekend!
    betty xx

  10. Isn't it amazing what you see when you REALLY look. A busy camera often takes many great photos. YOURS sure does. :))

  11. Looks like you are having fun wherever you go.Thanks for the glimpse into this fun.

  12. GREAT SHOTS! And why are whales so big? Great question. I have no clue. I really enjoyed this post. Thanks!

  13. Of course I see the angel wings but I didn't need to see them to know you were an angel :)
    I LOVE that shot of the single bubble in the water. Your header picture is great too.
    You certainly deserve the madsnapper title. You are the queen of madsnapping

  14. YIPEEE!!!!! Glad you posted your swim. I will be emailing you regarding our talk about swimming.

    Anyways, is this your pool??
    What a beauty. It is great you are swimming, is this new or do you swim all the time? I loved this post. Anything with water I love. Thanks you MadSnapper you!


  15. Sandra, you sure have an eye and a way with words.
    Love your shots in the pool and the funny little quotes.
    Sorry I haven't been commenting for a while. Church has been taking our time and we are just too pooped to do anything when we get home.
    Its worth every minute of it though.

  16. Fantastic Photos! And I have no answer to your fat whale question?

    Have a great weekend :-)


  17. That first one looks like you're making a snow angel. Your pool looks beautiful, wish I could take a dip!

  18. Sometimes I wish we had a pool... but then... I think.. and I know it would fall to me to keep up the maintenance.... and I am then glad to not have a pool... especially in the fall with all the trees behind the house.

  19. Pools are great places for exercise. I love swimming too! Very creative pics!

  20. Loved it-I haven't even gotten to swim this summer-but I'm planning on : )

  21. Okay, I peed, not in the pool but on me from laughing... You are a scream.
