Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bewitched by Florida Fowl

Male Osprey fishing from light pole at the beach
Just a few of our local birds and a common and daily sight for us. They are not "common" birds though but "bewitching birds" as I never get tired of seeing them.
Gulls fighting over a jelly fish




Not sure, does any one know the name of this bird? the gull family I think

Speckled Pigeon, not a common sight on the beach, but there he was with a dozen or so cousins
Is a limping pigeon human toed?

If a pigeon says "ribbit" is it a pigeon toad?

Is an insane pigeon "cooooo cooooo"?

What does a pigeon con man call their mark?

Oh! You wanted FUNNY pigeon jokes. Sorry.


  1. Sandra these are beautiful photos. My favorite is the Osprey.
    Funny funny Pigeon jokes. LOL

  2. Wow these photos are beautiful! I really like the fighting Gulls pic!!

  3. They're all wonderful Sandra, but I love that Osprey! He's gorgeous!

  4. Fabulous shots of beautiful birds.

  5. We love all types of birds! Awesome pics, my friend! AND the smiles....you know I love them! Thanks!

  6. You got great pictures of all these birds, but I really like your picture of the fighting gulls.

  7. Wow---I love this post, Sandra.. It is TERRIFIC.... That fighting gull picture is great --but the one which caught my attention was the heron with its reflection in the water.. AWESOME... You should enter that one in Joan's contest this month.

  8. Great set Sandra i think the gull is in fact a Sandwich Tern juvenile I think. Really like the gulls fighting over jellyfish too

  9. Phenomenal photos ... what a sight to have available.

  10. My favorite is the heron, your pictures are just so stunning! You even got that little bit of deep red on the back of his neck! And the reflection in super!!! Next favorite is that cute little unidentified bird. And that pigeon DOES look like he's limping, just to suit your first joke! Matter of fact, when I started reading that joke, I thought this pigeon was limping, then realized it was a joke!! Well, you know I go bonkers over birds!!

  11. Hi Sandra! Really like this post with all the Florida birds! We get down there frequently and I love love love photographing all the wildlife. Right now, just have the critters from my back yard! I think I'll be hanging around ... new follower here!

  12. Wow, these are really good bird photos.

  13. Oh my gosh these pictures are beautiful - did you take and see them all? AWESOME!

  14. Beautiful shots of the birds. I love the first one of the Osprey. I'm not familiar with that one but it looks it's got some wicked talons on it.

  15. These are all terrific Sandra!! I love the watery reflections and the first is powerful. I especially love the charming (2nd to last one) but not familar..the sand and beach stuff is sooo pretty!! I enjoy doves (almost had to take one out of my cats mouth yesterday, but she dropped it) (sigh)

  16. I love these, all of the birds are beautiful. I especially like the lone gull and the tern since they look different from the ones here.

    I really like the heron, that's a great reflection.

  17. Wonderful shot of the osprey. I have spent summers taking photos of ospreys and never gotten this close. Very cool.

  18. All the bird shots are beautiful. You are a real funny bunny with your bird jokes!
    Love ya, Madeline

  19. You are a true artist with a camera Sandra. gorgeous water fowl and your pigeon jokes are just what I needed today.
