Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Blogger Draft new look

If you use the new editor blogger draft and not the old editor, you have seen a change in the look. I have adjusted and like it more each day.
One thing is the box to check off comments box that had 3 choices, pop up/full page/embedded is now MIA. the blog defaults to embedded. If you have embedded comments it is still giving a fit to comment. I just went to a blog that closed her old blog and changed to new one. THREE tries to comment so if you are embedded and don't get comments that is why.
has anyone found it anywhere? Betsy and I reported the issue.


  1. Mine hadn't changed as of last night. You probably know this, because I haven't been begging you for help yet!! So for now, mine has to be embedded? Drat!!! I'm expecting the change any time now. I'm off to check your post below!!

  2. I don't have a clue as to what you are talking about. How do I know if my blog has changed or not or if it will.


  3. So far, that is the only BAD thing I have seen about the new interface. Otherwise, I like it.

    The only thing I heard back from Blogger was that he (the person who wrote me) didn't see the "Comment Form Placement" on the new interface either".... He said to go to the old Blogger settings and change it there... Huh????? Duh!!!!

    Ginny's hasn't changed since she doesn't use Blogger in Draft...

    Hope they fix it. Let me know if you get any updates.

  4. hmmm mine is working allright, but i do not like the new look. it is too white for me... can't make out the differences, pages, linky thingies that well. As for the commenting goes, as long as i uncheck my little box at the google log in page i'm good...

    Sorry i can't help you!

  5. I love it! I had to stop the embedded comment thing a couple of months ago because I was having trouble. I'm just on the old fashioned one now.

  6. I am so impressed with you folks who upgrade and figure out how to make everything work.

    It takes me so long to learn minimum basics that I just stay with that little bit I have mastered! Best wishes on pushing through the new blogger frontiers!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Sandra, I downloaded Windows Live Writer 2011 to publish to my blog. Blogger was constantly giving me fits trying to publish with it. I don't have a problem at all with live writer, it's a great program.

  9. I haven't made any move to investigate..still amazed at the museum and wow- the heat.. but makes me want Italian food (smile)

  10. I don't know what the heck I use to be perfectly honest but I haven't seen any changes at all

  11. I just read all of your comments. This is so typical of MOST of my followers... They truly have no idea. Someone sets up the blog for them and they just do the minimum to keep it going...

    It's the same with embedded comments and word verification. SO MANY of my followers still use BOTH of these ---and truly don't know the difference...


  12. Puzzlement at times is ok I guess. That is where I am right now. I am not sure I see what you are talking about. All I know is my FOLLOWERS on my page all dissapeared yesterday. I tried a lot of things. Finally this morning they are back and I am not questioning it. Oye...

  13. Mine hasn't changed yet but I have seen the new look, it's not bad. I was checking it out to make sure I could access Edit in HTML.

    If you have the new blogger in draft and the comments setting page does not give you a choice how did you get the pop up comments? I'm not sure if I understand what you are asking.

    I have a lot of blogging friends who still use the embedded and since I updated Firefox I have no problems with embedded.

  14. That is the new editor - right - don't have that problem yet - and if so why is yours so easy to comment on?

    Are you in the oasis?

  15. I have two blogs and they function differently because I chose different templates and options. Also the way permissions are set up affect things.
    I think the less one adds to one's page the less likely things will go wrong. I find that some of the no reply comments mess things up by attaching to other people's comments. I have found that I had to drop some blogs and reset my following to sort that out.
