Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Thank You, John and Mable Ringling

Monday morning I spent a couple of hours at the Ringling  Museum.

My thanks to John and Mable for placing in the will that this must be open one day a week to the public for free. Monday is free day for Art Museum and the grounds.

The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art is a 66-acre estate which includes the Museum of Art; the Venetian-Gothic Cà d'Zan mansion, winter-residence of John and Mable Ringling; historic grounds and gardens; the 18th- century Historic Asolo Theater; and the Circus Museums.
I did not go for the Museum of Art but for the 66 acres of grounds, but the heat drove me into the 73 degree museum, so I grabbed a shot of my favorite room while I cooled down.

This Italian Renaissance-style museum in was built in 1929. The Ringling Museum of Art houses a wide collection of paintings from the 14th to the 19th centuries.
there are more than 10,000 objects that include paintings, sculpture, drawings, prints, photographs and decorative arts and include paintings and sculptures by the
 Old Masters including Rubens, van Dyck, Velázquez, Titian, Tintoretto, Veronese, El Greco, Gainsborough and more. Also, there are many Modern Art paintings, but since most of the artist are still living I was not allowed to take photos. for more info click on  Ringling Art Museum and for past post see labels on side bar for Ringling 

Virgin and Child C. 1490, a glazed terracotta made to look like carved Marble. It is my favorite piece in the Art section.
 These date back to the 1600's and are so amazing.
no photos to show of the Modern Art since photography is prohibited in that section

I spoke to the docent about a painting in the modern art room, and asked Why would anyone hang that on their wall? it looked like a skeleton that had melted and turned into the terminator robot. He said that is a painting of a mother and her child.

I said "so you say" and he about split his sides and this joke I found makes me wonder if the writer saw what I saw.

My young son and I were looking at an abstract painting in an art museum.

I said "It is supposed to be a woman holding a child."

"Well", replied my son, "why isn't it?"

Tomorrow my favorite part of the museum, the courtyard and my header was created from my favorite statue.


  1. That would be so nice to see! Beautiful!

  2. I enjoyed my "visit" with you. I was there many years ago and loved it.


  3. Nothing better than a stroll thru museums. Thanks for sharing your day. I am just surprised that they allowed photographs.

  4. looks like a magnificent museum!
    i'd love to spend my whole day in there marvelling at the great artwork.

    beautiful series of photos!

    betty xx

  5. I must admit that my favorite thing in that room is the beautiful floor!!! I also love those really old sculptures. Mary and Jesus is in marvelous condition for how old it is, the only thing I notice is Jesus fractured shoulder. Wonder how they can tell exactly what year these things are from when they are this old? Can't wait till your post tomorrow!! Oh, WAIT!!!! Your HEADER!!! THIS is my favorite!! Classy art at it's best!!! You got it JUST RIGHT!! I stared at it forever before I even read your post!

  6. Hi Sandra, So glad you got to visit the museum--and take some great pictures for us to enjoy... I would probably be INSIDE during all of this heat also--even though I'm not much of an art-lover.... Thanks for sharing.

    Great header.

  7. Love your header and the tour of the museum looks so interesting and just the thing to do on a very hot summer day!

  8. Oh, yes! The header ... love the light and the way you have composed it.

  9. In the early days of my acquaintance with your blog, I was mesmerized by your photos of the Ringling museum, residence, grounds and other exhibits. These photos are also a delight, as is the joke!

  10. Before I forget again- love your header, nice job! This is a fabulous share today Sandra! How awesome..yes, I agree they are so amazing! What fine detail..really incredible. Bet you could slide around the floor in socks (just saying) ha ha
    I just don't know what to tell you about blogger comments yet? It is still a pain here and there.
    Anyway, I enjoyed this- thanks

  11. I'm surprised they let you take photos inside at all. Too funny about the modern art painting. I agree with the little boy in the joke :)
    Love that picture in your header. That must be some statue

  12. great photos..looks like fun place to visit...

  13. I'm glad you were able to cool off inside the museum, even though that wasn't the reason you went. I don't think much of modern art, either.

  14. This is a beautiful museum but I agree the courtyards are it!

  15. Looks like a fabulous way to spend the day out of the heat and seeing so many AMAZING things.

  16. That first painting you photographed almost looks like a Caravaggio... my favorite painter.

  17. AWESOME!!
    thanks for sharing!
    betty. I'd love to visit here sometime.

    betty xx

  18. You are lucky to such cultural places right by you.
