Saturday, July 2, 2011

Daily Affirmations???? or NOT

                      Seed Pods from Palm Tree

I assume full responsibility for my actions, except the ones that are someone else's fault.
I am grateful that I am not as judgmental as all those censorious, self-righteous people around me.

I need not suffer in silence while I can still moan, whimper, and complain.

I no longer need to punish, deceive, or compromise myself. Unless, of course, I want to stay employed.

I honor my personality flaws, for without them I would have no personality at all.



  1. These are lovely, I imagine people in South East Asia eating them.

  2. LOL! Great things to think about.

  3. I must have a good personality because I have LOTS of flaws! :-)
    Good post.

  4. I am constantly learning new things.I had never seen seed pods from a Palm.They are quite pretty.

  5. I am rolling on the floor and laughing so hard - I hear those a lot around here! lol

    And I love your gorgeous white pictures of the pods.

  6. Oh Wow---love those quotes --and even though they are quite funny, unfortunately they are true MOST of the time..... We all need to keep them close to our heart --and "THINK" before we act or talk....

    The first one is our country's biggest flaw---the BLAME game...... It's never OUR fault, is it??????

    Have a great day, Sandra.

  7. I can't believe my eyes, I have never seen anything like this. The tree has made pure white lace and tassels!! It would make some nice Jewish person a super prayer shawl!!! These pictures are outrageously beautiful and strangely unusual. Reading your comment on my blog has made me hungry for Wendy's, I have eaten there once in twenty years maybe. I hear they have vanilla frosties now, do you know if they are good? Gosh, I haven't had a frosty in ages, think I will get one today.

  8. I love the lacy look of the seed pods, they are beautiful.

    I am rolling on the floor laughing at all those statements. Too funny and in many cases very true.

  9. I had no idea that palm trees got seed pods on them like that. I've never seen them before, they looks really pretty.
    Now as for your daily affirmations, I love those. They cracked me up especially that last one. Good thing I swallowed the sip of coke before I got to that one or it would have been all over the screen :)

  10. The flowers are just so lovely, we have lots of the palm trees around here and I just love it when they started to bloom, and bear fruits.

  11. lol and I did not know that Palm trees had seed pods...Thanks

  12. These are so pretty Sandra..Palm seeds are amazing to me- they almost look pink- Cute quotes
