Sunday, July 3, 2011

Two Coats

Lyrics included so you can Sing Along....

Two coats were before me
An old and a new
I asked my sweet master
Oh what must I do

The old coat was ugly
So tattered and torn
The other a new one
Had never been worn

I'll tell you the best thing
I ever did do
I took off the old coat
And put on the new

The first man was earthy
And made from the ground
We bore all his image
The whole world around

The next was my savior
From heaven so fair
He bought me this new coat
You now see me wear

I'll tell you the best thing
I ever did do
I took off the old coat
And put on the new

Now this coat it suits me
And keeps me warm
It's good in the winter
It's good in the storm

My savior has dressed me
In a garment so rare
He bought me this new coat
You now see me wear

I'll tell you the best thing
I ever did do
I took off the old coat
And put on the new

I'll tell you the best thing
I ever did do
I took off the old coat
And put on the new


  1. I had totally forgotten about this song. It is very old... I remember my parents singing it in church when I was a child... over 50 years ago.

  2. It had a different tune... same words.

  3. Love the song! I have never heard it before.

  4. I had never heard this song before but I love the words.IToay I am thankful that God had a new coat for me as well.I'm off to church this morning waiting to see what God has in store for me there.

  5. I have to tell you that I have never heard of that song - lovely.

    Happy Sunday to you and 4th.

    Love your header!

  6. I have never heard this song before!!! I love it because it has a mournful cadence, plus really good words, I might even put them on the prayer line. And the video has some gorgeous shots!!! The vanilla frosties are really, really good. Just the right amount of vanilla flavoring.

  7. You and Bob should each get a different flavor, so you can try it, but still have the chocolate, too!

  8. I wasn't familiar with this song, but I'm very glad you shared it with us.

  9. nice your new header...

  10. I've never heard that song before, how lovely. I also love the picture in your header.

  11. Oh what a blessing just listening to this tonight!

  12. Hi Sandra, I've never heard that song... I enjoyed hearing it --and especially enjoy the words... Thanks for sharing.

  13. Lovely song Sandra, like most of the others I haven't heard it before either.

    I love your header flag, that is spectacular!

    Happy 4TH!

  14. lovely song, thanks for sharing Sandra!

    great header too!

    betty xx

  15. Lovely words to this song! It's getting late already..I will be by tomorrow-
