Thursday, July 28, 2011

Datura fastuosa

Above and below July 24th

Double Purple Angel's Trumpet, Purple Hindu Datura, Devil's Trumpet, Horn of Plenty or just plain old
Datura fastuosa ' born on the 25th of July
 July 25th 4 AM... Bob takes the dogs out and comes inside "bring the camera, come look at The Flower" today. YOWSA!
 This beauty measured 8 inches long and the face of the flower at 3 and 1/2 inches
 We found by watching it, that it starts to open around 8 PM and opens fully after dark.

This Angel trumpet blooms in the hottest months, at night and is one of the most striking flowers I have ever seen.
There is a downside, the plant is in the deadly Nightshade family and I found this warning when reseaching to find out what it is.

humans and/or animals may have allergic reactions if part(s) of this plant are consumed or by coming into contact with sap from bruised or broken plant parts: All parts - Highly Toxic if Ingested


  1. What a beautiful bloom, it went from a little ugly to spectacular in a short time. I love your last photo showing the depth of the bloom.

  2. Stunning! I remember a flower at my great grandmother's home in Kentucky. It only opened at night and I think it was called Jesus in the Pulpit. I need to look that up. Hadn't thought about it since childhood.


  3. Great Pictures.
    Are you not scared of it. I mean you said it might poision. Yick.

  4. Beautiful flower! Are you handling it with rubber gloves since it is poisonious? What about Jake and Baby? It is very unusual looking!
    Love ya, Madeline

  5. Very beautiful! I've only seen the all white ones.

  6. That is SO beautiful! Oh....and Beth told me to tell you that I picked it up all by myself....I tend to do that....but I don't swallow the kitty toys....

  7. Then be careful with it -

    It is gorgeous - the name sounds like night of Dracula! Gee Bob can grow anything - so beautiful!

    I'm home.

  8. "Devil or angel, I can't make up my mind", remember that old song? Oh man, I could go on forever about this post, I am so excited!! You had a picture yesterday, but I can't find it now!!! It showed the flower from the top and it was going around kind of circular. It looked just like the moonflower (flowers that only bloom at night) pics I posted quite awhile ago! So I thought this might be some kind of moonflower, and I was right! The shape must be the same on all the early blooms of moonflowers. This is really spectacular!! I have never seen one like it!! Phil is sitting here and I turned the laptop around to show him because it is so pretty. He took one look at it and said "Deadly Nightshade"!!!! I said how did you know, we have never seen a flower like this. He said it just looked dark and forbidding. That is his words. I don't really think it does. This is one of my top ten posts from you. Now I want these flower guessing games all the time. How about buying a bunch of weird seeds, you will have enough for tons of posts!!! I'm going to send you that blooming moonflower picture, see what you think. It is the same shape. You continue to be an artist with your headers!!! I hope Jake and Baby stay away from it!

  9. Beautiful photos! Many things in life outwardly appear to be beautiful but can often be deadly!

  10. Not something I have seen before to my memory of today. What a beautiful flower for Thursday. Thanks for sharing with us. "Please don't eat the flowers".

  11. The Ugly Duckling bud did turn into a beautiful blossom, but I'm afraid I would probably stay far from it. I probably wouldn't want it in our yard.

  12. Truly exotic looking. I love the curly trim.
    It seems strange to bloom in the dark. Beautiful and deadly...interesting.

  13. I have never seen a double datura before. It is stunning!

  14. Wow, that header picture of yours is just stunning with the flower 'cut out' against the black background like that. The flower itself is impressive too, from every angle.

  15. Wow! That is a beautiful bloom. But deadly...eek! Keep the furbabies away from it!

  16. A beauty it is.WOW!!! Too bad it is so highly toxic,but i guess all beauty has it's down side.

  17. What an unusual flower in all of its different stages ...

  18. I love it- what an exotic header it makes!! We have one here as well, but its more of a tree and the trumpet flowers hang upside down (peach colored I think) I really like your series!
    I have to re-write my e-mail to you as the whole darn thing disappeared with just a click! Thanks Sandra~

  19. That is the most amazing flower and the size is unbelievable. WOW. Too bad about it being toxic. Not good with precious pups around.

  20. It sure is an interesting but deadly plant. The flower is phenomenal. We have something called the purple trumpet but it is a pest and strangling our native plants.

  21. YOWSA! is right. My mother had an angel trmpet in her yard, but it looked nothing like this dramatic blossom! Beautiful but a little scary!

  22. so's a shame it is toxic....
