Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Enchanted Garden Part Three

This enchanted forest has at my guess about 50 plus statues, all of them only 2 feet tall. John Ringling life was the circus, and most of the statues look like characters from the circus back in the 1930's.
Banyan trees are common here in Florida, they are amazing. Robinson Crusoe made his home in a banyan tree, and these winding paths would make a wonderful home.

Q: What did the tree wear to the pool party?
A: Swimming trunks!

Q: What did the beaver say to the tree?
A: It's been nice gnawing you!

  • My family tree is a few branches short! All help appreciated 
  • Shake your family tree and watch the nuts fall!
  • I looked into my family tree and found out I was a sap.
  • I researched my family tree… and apparently I don’t exist!


  1. Thanks for the laughs and the ramble through the banyan trees. They are quite amazing.


  2. The Ringling Museum is a realy cool place to visit. I love the trees and Paths.

  3. LOL! what a delightful post!
    I really enjoyed that lovely pictorial tour though this enchanting garden!

    You header is super awesome.
    What a feast for the eyes!


  4. The statues are wonderful. You truly found an enchanted garden.

  5. Thanks for the smile, my friend! The statues are very cool!

  6. Oh how I love that Enchanted Forest, Sandra. What more could one need than some circus characters, some paths into the woods and some gorgeous banyan trees... That makes for a perfect Enchanted Forest, don't you think?


  7. Oh Sandra - you don't know how fitting one of the jokes you made was - Shake the tree and watch all the nuts fall out - I am going to be doing that this weekend.

    I love the enchanted forest.

  8. The banyan trees with the statues do create an other worldly atmosphere in your photos.

  9. Somebody needs to cut that grass!! But perhaps the fairies would not allow it. These statue figures are interesting, many are quite menacing looking, I wonder if Ringling had nightmares...such a strange and fascinating place. But my very favorite picture is your artwork, not theirs. The beautiful purple and green leaves with the sun on them in just the most lovely way. Now THAT is enchanted!

  10. What a fascinating walk you've taken us on. And I agree with Ginny about the purple photo ...

  11. I want to go to that garden. Love all those statues. All those tree jokes have me giggling here. Duke is giving me funny looks

  12. I'd love to stroll through that enchanted forest! All those little statues are so cute.

  13. All your quotes today are right on!! Ha ha..especially on the family! Well, I love how all the trees dwarf those statues and Banyoas we have in common but this is unique. The tea plant looks so colorful. I can really see how they reflect the circus too! Aren't they magical?! Another excellent share-

  14. What a wonderful group of statues. For some strange reason a couple of those figures look really familiar but I can't remember where I have seen them before.

    I love the plant in your second photo!

  15. These trees are amazing, that is enchanting to me....
