Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Let's Hop to IT!

Bob's Tiny Toad Rescue Operation as documented by MadSnapper

Tiny Toad/Frog (who knows which, I don't) is perched on Bob's pinky finger after  rescue from chlorine death in our pool. In our back yard, Lizards are number one and Tiny Frogs number two on our Favorite Critter List
Frog parking here...

All others will be toad!

Where do frogs hang their coats?


What is a frog's favorite dance?


Butt Shot! remember he is not even a half inch long.... SSSSSoooooo Cute!

PS added same day. I found what this frog is...
Florida Cricket Frog
Acris gryllus dorsalis            Click Here to read about it


  1. where did you find it? My friend kept a tadpole, and it took a long time, and it was still a tadpole, may be it is too cold here.

  2. Its so cute. Love your jokes too.

  3. I love toads! Have you ever noticed their beautiful black and gold eyes. Tell Bob how wonderful he is for rescuing that little fella! Did you know the larger toads will chirp; it's a delightful little sound they make.

  4. Wow,that is one tiny frog.I do have to admit,he is kind of cute.Can you tell these are not my favourite critters? :)

  5. How adorable!!! He is so cute, I think he must be a toad. Is he a baby or just an adult miniature? Well, come to think of it, I guess there are no baby frogs, because the babies are sea nymphs or something...toads I'm not sure. Do they ever make a noise? I don't think toads croak like frogs.

  6. Toads have short back legs and hop. Frogs' back legs are longer, and the leap...thus, hoppy toad and leap frog. My science lesson for the day.

    I love frogs!

  7. Never seen such a tiny frog/toad! (Not that I see all that many big ones either, living in town!)

  8. It was good of you to document Bob's rescue so well. You really got good pictures of the frog.

  9. Frogie went a courtin.....
    That is one tiney Toad.

  10. What a cute little froggie.... Wonder if he and the Lizards are friends????? I'm surprised that you didn't NAME that little guy... How 'bout Freddie the Frog????

  11. He certainly is a tiny little critter!

  12. Aw, he is one very cute little frog. The way he's sitting on Bob's hand, not leaping off and trying to escape, I think he is grateful for being rescued.

  13. Very handsome little fellow, Sandra.

  14. Terrific shots of the tiny frog. I'm glad your hubby didn't have to resusitate him..You know what happens when you kiss a frog!
    Love the joke about the frog in the no parking zone.
    Where do you find these? too funny.

  15. Andy loves your jokes! And the baby toad - was sooooooo cute. What great pics.

  16. That is one of the most adorable things I have ever seen. EVER!!! Thank you for sharing - I loved every one of the pictures.

  17. The little frog is so cute.
    I wonder did you kiss it?

  18. That looks about the same size as the non native carribian coqui frogs. Its actaully a problem here but I suppose you get used to problems (lol). I like frogs though! Chirp. Hey, I see you have a colorful tea plant for a header!! Very nice-

  19. that is a cute little frog. I realized it was small but not how small until I got to that 5th picture. So does Jake have these on his menu or does he just like lizards

  20. Loved the closeups! Was froggy cooperative or just moving slow from his pool experience?

  21. Sandra your a frog picture froggie lady. Whew that was a mouthful from my mouth to you.

    Are they also called peepersor beepers?

    Why I ask. In Spring we have thousands of those little ones.

    They croak like three weeks straight. Especially at night.
    My neighbours open the window at night just to hear that noise,They say they put them to sleep the sound. Mercy.

    I used to put my fan on to deaden the sound as they were a throw away from the river and the flower pods and the edges of land where they loudly croaked near my bedroom window. They call it serenading. Really.I know tex says the same. She likes the sound.
    So just wondering if these are the same critters . I see them jump and they look small what is in your hands or hubbys.
