Thursday, July 21, 2011


 I have seen mushrooms in the ground and on trees many times, but these were growing out the side of our staghorn log. 
Two boll weevils grew up in South Carolina. One went to Hollywood and became a famous actor. The other stayed behind in the cotton fields and never amounted to much. 

The second one, naturally, became known as the lesser of two weevils.

Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly, but when they lit a fire in the craft it sank -- proving once and for all that you can't have your kayak and heat it, too

there where two mushrooms in a pot.
what did one mushroom say to the other???

theres not MUSHroom in here!!!   (grooooannn)


  1. Fabulous photos! I have a fascination for fungi too and these are excellent specimens :-)

  2. That's a beauty, the underside is awesome. All of the ones I've seen lately are big with stubby trunks, these look delicate. They would make great umbrellas for fairies.

  3. So delicate with such an intricate pattern. Thanks for the funnies.

  4. Fantastic blog.
    Shrooooms are very interesting. Great humour.

  5. That is incredible. Imagine nature making such a beauty.

  6. I have fallen behind again....caught up with all of your blogs this morning. Love the little statues from Ringling. The little frog is precious. He is a so small! Got a very tiny hiney!!! :-) The mushrooms are very beautiful! Who would have thought fungus could be so gorgeous? Love your humor....
    Love ya, Madeline

  7. Those are so pretty--much prettier than some of the mushrooms we have around here...

    Those jokes--especially the last one--made me laugh outloud..... Not mush-room, huh?????? ha ha ha

  8. You got some great pictures of the mushrooms. I really like the detail on the undersides.

  9. Such lovely mushrooms. There must be fairies growing inside that log. :)

  10. These are amazing!!! So white and pure! I have never seen any like this around here. The first picture reminds me of those big pleated high collars they wore way back in England the queens and such. And in the second picture it looks just like a seashell!

  11. Perfect shots, how detailed and intricate...

  12. Mushrooms are fascinating.Growing out of a log they may be a little easier to photograph.I enjoyed the photos and the jokes.

  13. Such clear shots of quite tiny little mushrooms!

  14. I love your mushroom shots today!! They are is amazing where you find them. I find moss is similar too as far as where it shows up.

  15. I think those might be the prettiest mushrooms I've ever seen. Of course your jokes always give me the giggles

  16. There is not mushroom in here -lol.

    I have to say that they were very pretty - not to eat - but to look at.

  17. You captured the detail on the mushrooms so well! Liked those jokes, too!

  18. I love eating mushrooms, but am afraid if they are edible, so I never pick wild mushroom.

  19. Never seen that kind of mushroom (with a thin stem like that) grow on a tree before.

  20. Love your groaners...
    Thanks for the smile this morning.
    Incedentially those 'shrooms are gorgeous.
