Friday, July 8, 2011

Had to do this one...

Ok, so it is Post Number 3 for today. But there have been a lot of comments and Mrs Snapper II' comment made me do this.
Madelines comment was:
When we were young and we would see a lizard, we would sing, "lizard, lizard, show your blanket," over and over, and they would do it. Little did we know they were feeling amorous at the time. Do you think they knew what we were saying? We certainly did not know what we were doing???? Tee hee...... Madeline

This is what Leonard looks like and what she was talking about. Us Southern Belles Know Everything!
the ridge on the back is flat until he is Flirting!!!!


  1. Never heard that song... I guess 'showing your blanket' COULD mean: Come and Lie down with me on this blanket!!!!! Ya think????? ha ha


  2. Love all this lizard love lore!!!! I think we're getting well educated today.

  3. So much to learn from these "friendly" lizards !!!

  4. Hey is that the same when cats or dogs raise their fur?

  5. You certainly have some interesting friends in FL!

  6. Good grief, each picture he looks different or is doing something different!

  7. Well I just learned something new today. I guess I'm working backwards here since I'm reading post #3 first :)

  8. Never heard that song either but a gorgeous photo!

  9. It would be fun to have this cute couple living on your fence. I'm glad blogger wouldn't let you take back that post below. This has been a great reptile education.

  10. This looks great in the sepia..not? Seems your background is a tad different or is it my eyes?? They always look prehistoric to me!

  11. This series has been quite an education for me. Since I'm not a Southern Belle I guess I can be forgiven for not knowing the song.

  12. Your lizard series has entertained me . It is right up there with the tomato adventures for me. And you sure do have some cooperative lizards!
