Friday, July 8, 2011

Leonard & Lizzie Anole

Leonard and Lizzie live on our fence and I love to talk to them, they fascinate me, because they listen, UNLIKE my hubby LOL  So now you know how I spend my days. MadSnapper the Lizard Stalker

 This is Leonard. See his pretty brown color? Our lizards are Brown Anoles and are common here. We have hundreds of them just in the back yard. We also have Green Anoles but I have been unable to get a shot of them, they are really skittish and live in the underbrush and bushes.
 Look at his throat. Can you guess what he is doing? Watch!
 See the pretty Orange? do you know what this means?
It's gone now. he is calling Lizzie, come here little sweetie, Jake has eaten all our little ones and MadSnapper says she will have nothing to crawl in her suit or to Madly Snap photos of.

 There she is, Little Lizzie, see how he is brown in color... watch what happens to him next when she gets close
Leonard turns dark black, this means Aha! there she is! I will let you write the rest of the story.

What do  you call a lizard that sings????     A Rap-tile

OK so there are 2 post today because blogger messed with my mind and changed EVERYTHING and I published this by accident and now can't find the put it back in draft button.


  1. Great post.
    Leonard and Lizzie, a match made in the pickets of a fence. LOL

  2. Love on a fence post! Cute post Sandra. And those little guys really do listen to you!

  3. You have very cute little friends....

  4. So fun to read and see, Sandra. Anoles are so exotic to me. :)

    Blogger is acting very strange today!

  5. I'm sorry Blogger messed you up, but I did enjoy this post about Leonard and Lizzie.

  6. Oh Sandra I just loved this - love in the summer time and all right out your back door. And I learned a lot too today. And was able to LOL!

  7. I just love lizards. I don't feel the same for snakes. But they both are about as close to dinosaurs as we'll ever get. And aligators. They even retain the look.

  8. oh my gosh, thanks SO much for sharing these amazing photos!

    they are absolutely stunning!
    neat post, i did really enjoy it.

    sorry blogger messed you up.
    i know how frustrating it is.

  9. Wonder what would happen to us if we turned black when we saw the one we love??????? ha ha ....

    Love your lizard stories... I know more about lizards now than I ever did before... See what an education I am gaining by blogging.

  10. If this was an accidental post, I'm SO glad!!!! I love the pretty throat and everything about it! Tell me that Jake did NOT eat the babies, oy!! I can't wait to read more!!! You know how I love animals, birds, and such. Now you have to be Snapper Livingstone, I presume, and go into the bushes to snap the green ones. I actually know nothing about the car! It was just sitting in a showroom window downtown. Now I want to know about it, and will probably ask them.

  11. A Rap-tile. Hee hee. Love your lizard shots!

  12. just passing by to re-read your lovely post.

    love your great sense of humour.
    good lesson on lizards today.

    i had never seen that orange and didn't know the lizards turn black when...

    happy weekend!

    betty xx

  13. Well I'm glad this made it through the Blogger maze.
    Your humor shows through. Loved it.
    So far no problems with blogger for me...just saying...its usually me going on with the rants.
    Hope what ever it is gets straightened out quickly.

  14. When we were young and we would see a lizard, we would sing, "lizard, lizard, show your blanket," over and over, and they would do it. Little did we know they were feeling amorous at the time. Do you think they knew what we were saying? We certainly did not know what we were doing???? Tee hee...... Madeline

  15. Well aren't those fascinating pictures. I like the one of Leonard calling Lizzie.
    I wonder where I can find a lizard so I have someone to listen to me...lo

  16. I like them both-they look so different from the ones here.

  17. Cute couple! hehehehe

  18. They are so adorable! Do you only get one family in your yard? Meaning... are they territorial or will they move around and share space with other anoles?
