Thursday, July 7, 2011

Man from Mars part 2

A few minutes ago I was sitting here blogging away and I heard FOOTSTEPS on the roof over my head. I almost fell over myself getting out the door and There He Was.... My Man From Mars... ON THE ROOF cleaning off the leaves and limbs.

 NOTE: Bob will be 75 in 3 short months. He is on the roof with two rakes and a gas powered blower that has to be CRANKED while standing on the roof.
 He was up there for almost and hour. I was on the ground sweating in 98 degree heat with a gazillion mosquitoes eating on me, afraid to go inside until he was down. I got in the pool to do my exercises while I Baby sat the Man from Mars but was so stressed I could not count the strokes. (you should know here that my middle name is Chicken Little as in the sky is falling. OR in this case the man is falling OFF THE ROOF)
 Look careful at the ladder right at the roof line and tell me it is LEVEL. or so he SAID
 This is the scowl I got when he realized I was documenting his episode for my blog.
I wanted some excitement in my life, but REALLY! and YES, this is all I have to blog about, so you can tell I could use some excitement.
 In these two photos you might notice THE POWER LINES.....
 He is safe and I am NOT telling him I am posting this for Thursday Thoughts On Men From Mars. Share a story of your man from mars if you have one. Or perhaps someone has a story of a Woman from Mars.


  1. My Man from Mars does that with the ladder too, it never looks level to me but he swears it is. He was laying on the edge of the roof reaching over to change the bulb in one of the security lights the other day. Fortunately our roof is shaped the opposite way (butterfly roof) so falling off is harder to do but I was still a little concerned about him falling on his head.

  2. Ahhh Men. I knew there was a use for them somewhere.

    JUST KIDDING BOB! Really!!

    Sandra is a darn lucky woman.


  3. I get a weird feeling in my gut,just looking at someone up on a roof.Thankfully he got down safely.

  4. I have nothing to share. My husband is much too smart to do something "silly/dangerous/reckless, etc". Well, unless you count wading in water in the basement with the electricity likely to come back on after a storm, going for a long walk with the dog when the noon sky is as dark as night, the wind is howling and a terrible storm is looming, etc.!!


  5. Ouch !!
    Don't be so hard on Men from Mars.
    You got to do what you got to do.

  6. oh my goodness! glad he is safe!

    reminds me of the comic strip, "Crankshaft" when he's always cleaning out gutters or setting stuff on fire...

  7. As Sandra knows, I also have a "man from Mars." Snapper II pulled the same stunt on me recently that Bob just did to Sandra, and he had just gotten out of the hospital! I thought we were going to be going right back to the hospital, but with a different ailment. How about a "busted butt!!!???" Sandra's anxiety attack sounded just like mine! What are we going to do with them? Just stand there with the phone in our hand, ready to call 911, if the worst happens...and pray it doesn't!!
    Love ya gal! Hang in there!!!

  8. He is certainly an active fellow....the way he walks around on the roof are you sure he didn't work in the circus at one time....ha ha!

  9. My Man from Mars does that kind of stuff also... Scares me to death!!!!!

    How does he keep the skeeters off of him??? Lots of bug spray???? I cannot stand bugs --but luckily, we only have those No-Seeims (gnat-like things) --so we don't have many skeeters.

    Bless his heart... He needs to get in the pool and take pictures of the MadSnapper up there on the roof... Just think of all that you could see from up there!!!!!

    Bet your nosy neighbor had fun gawking.... ha ha

  10. oh hubby and son are on roofs all the time with work...I try not to think about son fell off one and broke his ankle several years back....that was scary...lucky he wasn't injured worse..

  11. Sandra, I have a terrible fear of heights and it just scares the bejeebers out of me when my hubby does the roof thing. It doesn't bother him at all! I'm glad because it's a job that needs doing with our trees overhanging the house and the gutters get stopped up frequently. But when he walks to the edge of the back side of the roof that is the walkout part (two-story there) over a big slab of concrete patio, my imagination really kicks in. I HATE when he does that!

  12. It's so hard to stop them from doing these scary things...but you are a good woman to watch him just in case the "impossible to him" happens.

  13. My Dad got up on the roof of his house when he was in his 90s, so you may have many more years of watching your Man From Mars up on the roof.

  14. When you say that this is ALL you have to blog about, you underestimate yourself, my dear! I see you have lots of comments and it's not even noon yet. Because don't we ALL have stories like this, and what good, dangerous and scary photos you have gotten!! We know of so many people who have fallen off roofs!! One of our friends is a young professional contractor, who built his own big fancy house. A few years ago, he was putting a roof on and tripped over the nail gun cord, fell from at least a two story roof. It was very high pitched. He was lucky to be alive, broke his neck, his back, you name it. He is now in a wheelchair suffering bad nerve pain constantly, they have given him every medicine there is, even morphine. Nothing works. At least your house is not high and it looks like you have a pretty flat roof! I can just see you in the pool all nervous now! I can see why he didn't tell you about this first! And of course you could not yell at him or anything, because that would upset him, then he might fall!! Phil is always wanting to get the real high ladder, we have all the caulking curling up and out of the upper windows, and we need the top part of the house painted. But out back, the house is two stories, and I won't let him get up on the big extension ladder. Remember Melissa's wooden ladder, when she tried to get down from the attic, the rung cracked off and she fell to the first floor? The wood was all rotten. I will let the house crumble before I let him use that extension ladder! Now he wants to take his electric saw and get the step ladder to cut off the two trees in front of the house, they have gotten double the height they should be. I might consider the step ladder, but not in combination with an electric saw, I have stories about that, too!!

  15. Oh wow... well I am glad he didn't fall!

    My Man from Mars story = I once got a vacuum cleaner for my birthday and *I* had to pay for it!!! Almost gave his colon a good vacuuming but decided against it. LOL! The relationship didn't last long after that. ;o)

  16. I am glad he is down and I know what you mean about worrying until the job is over. And I know that look he gave you when you took his picture and he saw you - lol.

  17. Mars Men are sure silly in their determination at times, aren't they?

    Great post - love that scowl on his face!!!

    And um, I don't know women from Mars - but from Venus - uh-huh!

  18. OH WELL! I would have done the same thing! haha

    Glad he got off the roof safely!

    And nope still on a visa.... hopefully soon....


  19. Oh my he is is from I can't think of any stories about the martian that lives here right now but I know there's gotta be a ton of them :P

  20. oh, NO!
    glad he's safe and sound.

    too risky.

    betty xx

  21. YIKES!!! He's a brave guy. My Man from Mars would hire someone first or send my son up their! LOL
    Have a nice weekend!
    PS I like your blog over here!

  22. Ah ha ha..oh and a fitting scowl!! Great documentation! Boy, they really have to be careful Sandra. I had no idea about the Mars post..did you think that up? I think I'd like to join something like that. My life swings up to the serious and back to the humor! We need a laugh! My dad will be 20 years older than your hubby in three months too!

  23. I climbed up a ham radio tower to walk on the roof and put up Christmas lights the first Christmas after my now ex-husband left. I was determined to let Nyssa have a winter wonderland on her second Christmas. A little boy rode past on his bike, stopped and watched a while... then shouted... "Hey lady! Are you a MOM?!" I guess he thought moms would never climb on a roof. Necessity often makes us do what we would not normally think safe to do.
