Wednesday, July 6, 2011


 Photos taken at Noon. Can you guess how I got the background black when these beauties were in bright sunlight?
Several weeks after a young man had been hired, he was called into the Boss's office.
"What is the meaning of this?" The Boss asked. "When you applied for the job, you told us you had 5 years' experience. Now we discover this is the first job you've ever had."
"Well," the young man said, "in your ad you said you wanted somebody with imagination."


Answer is:  I took a black poster board outside and held it behind the flowers.

Is it my imagination, or do buffalo wings taste like chicken?



  1. Ha! That is funny, guess that ad should have been worded a little differently.

    Great minds think alike, I was using a black board as a backdrop over the weekend too. I was shooting dried grasses so I like your colorful flowers a lot better than what I took.

  2. Well your creative..I've done all sorts of things in my attempt at bright light? I'm still not sure what kind of camera to get either-

  3. Haha !!! You seriously have been blessed with witty humor! I couldn't imagine you holding a black poster behind the flowers ! And that joke was hilarious.The employee is as smart as you
    Dominant Intelligence
    What career would suit you and your intelligence the

  4. Great idea, the poster board.
    I don't know about the Buffalo wings. LOL

  5. LOL! Cute! I never would have thought of the black poster board. Will have to try that.

  6. These pictures are wonderful.I will have to borrow your idea sometime.

  7. Thanks for the smile! Love the pics!

  8. Great idea with the poster board, I use white poster board behind spiders sometimes to photograph them. I like the black; real cool effect!

  9. I have a large bag of stuff I carry around when I go on a photo excursion and in it is a black cloth for that same purpose. Nice job.

  10. Wow, really imaginative! (Meaning your photos, not the story...)

  11. This is too cool!! Now I need to go to Micheal's and buy different colored poster boards and experiment!! I also love the flag with black behind and your very classy logo!!

  12. The black poster board was a great idea and you got some dramatic photos using it. The Madsnapper is definitely one clever lady.

  13. Wow, I was thinking that you might have used a flash. It seems to me that most sunny days produce a lot of glare on the flowers. I love the cloudy days best for color.

  14. Sometimes I just get a black background and wonder why??? I know it has something to do with the lighting!

  15. Wow---talk about imagination and creativity... Love it!!!! Those pictures are AWESOME.... What a neat idea for the background....

    Funny ad.... BUT---so many of us don't have much imagination (or we don't use what we have)....


  16. LOL, love the jokes. Good use of imagination with the black poster board. They look fantatsic

  17. Sandra, you always make me smile. I absolutely love your quirky sense of humor.
    Not your imagination at all...buffalo wings definitely taste like chicken...(:0)

  18. Another quickie Madsnapper tutorial served up with a good laugh! Thanks!

  19. A person with imagination - cute.

    Until you told me you put black poster board behind the picture - I would have guessed it was a photo edit!

  20. Funny and creative with your beautiful flowers!

  21. what a wonderful idea!
    love your great sense of humour,
    and these shots are superb!

    have a great day!

    betty xx
