Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Perils of Madsnapper

4th of July Perils of Pauline MadSnapper

I stepped out the door, pulled my bathing suit off the drying rack and put it on for my pool exercises. I realized my best Friend Leonard was sitting on the fence, grabbed the Rebel and stood and chatted, can you see how much he likes me? he really does let me get within just about a foot away and when I talk he listens and cocks his head side to side.
YES, I did take this on 4th of July 2011 and he did talk to me and his name is Leonard.

As I stood there, I felt something squiggly inside my suit just above my waist.

"EEKK there is something in my suit. "

"No, there isn't, it's all in your mind"   Hubby's standard comment for any and all  EEKS

I jerked off the suit and shook it and an itty bitty teen weeny about and inch long lizard fell on the pool deck (yes we have privacy fence, in case you are wondering). he was of course minus his tail from me shaking him.
"SEE! SEE! there WAS something in my suit."

"there was NOT? as he bends to pick it up. And it was a lizard and it was somewhat alive and wiggling.

I get in the pool and while holding on the side with one arm to do my gate leg exercises (don't ask) I  feel something crawling up my arm. EEK it was a VERY LARGE Beetle.... EEK there's a beetle on me

it looked just like this one that I saved from the pool, but I had to dive in archives to find this photo because I could not snap a shot of the one on my arm because while screaming I flung him so far he went over the fence.

I paddle down to the deep end, and while doing my fake riding a bike in water thing, I see a Walking Stick (the bug kind) and while looking at him and wishing for my camera a LIVE bee swims past me caught in the current.  and NO this one is not alive and is also form the archives from former pool incidents.

Now I ask you was I  in peril or NOT? What think ye?


  1. That is too funny Sandra. I'm not sure if you were in peril but you were certainly attracting the insects. Might want to shake out the bathing suit next time.

    Leonard is so cute!

  2. You had a few close encounters then Sandra, Ha Ha I love Leonard great pic of him and the Stag beetle is fab. My son has a mass of these, dead ones he has them pinned in boxes. Sounds cruel but he is a Paleo-Entomologist and works in Champaign Illinois for the Natural History Survey and yes they were dead before they got pinned!

  3. Eeek! This is why I don't live in Florida!!!! Nice to view Leonard but from a VERY long distance.


  4. be careful the lizard tail doesn't get into your ear, this was our warning in Borneo. It will continue to wriggle and you become deaf. LOL

  5. Wow! Attacked from all sides! Glad you survived! I don't like things crawling on me either. Nor do I want to be stung by a bee. Ahhh.... the joys of living in the south. We live on a lake and have every bug known to man attacking us at one time or another. Right now the mosquitos are swarming. (and I mean swarming!) We can hardly go outside. The mosquito control says they are spraying. It must be fertility drugs!


  6. I don't think I would like them....

  7. Oh my gosh to be a fly on the wall at your house. SO many times I think I'd like the super hero trait of being invisible! Teehee

    Although, Saturday we had to catch a bat in the house! You should have seen us!

  8. Yipes--- a lizard in your bathing suit??...... Bet you shake the bejeepers out of it from now on before putting it on each day!!!!!!

    I got an email from Leonard and he has everything that happened to you on VIDEO ---just for me to show all of your blog friends.... AND you just thought you had privacy!!!!!!! har har har

    Have a wonderful day--and stay away from all of the critters.. They obviously like you!!!!!

  9. Without a doubt,I would have chosen to do my exercises inside after the first critter escapade.You see,me and bug like critters do not get along real well.

  10. Your very life was in danger!! I would have been dead long before the bee, from a heart attack!! Right about the time of that huge beetle!! From now on, look all through your suit before you put it on! We have earwigs that crawl into our socks, and I have to turn them inside out before I put them on, checking for bugs. I have been bitten and pinched on the foot. I want a video of the Leonard!! Tilting his head, even just running or sitting!!

  11. I think you handled yourself very bravely since you lived to blog about it. I smiled when I read this and I roared when I read Betsy's comment. Make sure Leonard doesn't sell his video to FOX. You don't want any issue with animal rights. lol

  12. I didn't realize that living in Florida was so dangerous. I'm glad you survived all the perils of the Fourth of July. I also hope your exercise sessions are more uneventful from now on!

  13. Sorry to enjoy your perils so much, but I nearly fell out my chair laughing! Husbands never believe our icky bug, lizard or whatever dance is justified. My incident involved a cockroah . Ugh!!!!!!

  14. Is Leonard still your best friend after the swimsuit incident? (One of his children, or different kind of lizard?)

  15. Wow thats a HUGE beetle! Well Im a fan of Leonard;)

  16. All that in just one day? Oh my! I think I would have ripped that suit off even without a privacy fence if I had felt something squirming around....lol I also don't think I would have been able to put it back on. That is one nasty looking beetle too

  17. OMG, a lizard in the swimsuit would have about done me in. Even if it was an itty bitty one. I see a lizard every now and then hightailing it out of my little tomato garden near the house. He's fast! Probably more afraid of me than I am of him.

  18. Lol, I'm always scared of snakes being in a pool, but lizards would be as bad :)
    You did well just staying in the pool !

  19. Perhaps Leonard was just telling you his friend was in your swimsuit? lol

  20. Thats an unhappy bee (bet you tried to revive him (ha ha)..your critters are charming- especially Leonard! I don't like anything crawling on me either-

  21. Too funny, though it seems that with the missing tail and the flying beetle and the dead bee... THEY were more in peril from you than you from them.

  22. I would call these invaders a peril. Not in your mind either:)

  23. LOL! sorry, Sandra but that's too funny!...and i'm laughing at Judy's comment, too!
    i'd be scared of them though.

    btw, amazing close-ups!

    betty xx
