Monday, July 25, 2011

What Was I thinking? The End

I put the book down at 3 PM on Day one of 48 hours off and went to read the mail.
 Goody! Bed Bath Beyond Coupon...
OH NO! can't look at their web site. Silver Sneakers saying I can go to Lifestyle for free with my insurance.
NO COMPUTER to pull up the site.
What oh what can I DO??? did you guess SNAP!?
 3 PM day one
Since the camera is in my hand, the TV has NOTHING I want to watch, I am tired of my book. I check out the side fence Passion Vine...Snap!

Next I see Orange on the back fence... Snap!
Wait! check out the bottom of the fence

 By now I have all these photos, now lets download them and see what I have.... Wait!
I am NOT allowed to turn on the computer! What Was I thinking????

I managed to get through the rest of the day because we watched a movie until bed time.

Day Two of 48 hours off computer, 7 AM... I TURNED IT ON, I played, I read, I commented, I downloaded, I emailed and I looked up all the things in google that I had wanted to do the day before. I checked FaceBook to see how many had commented about having had a cup of coffee ( what's up with that?), I played in conclusion to all this madness is....

Computer = My Life
Thank you Bonnie at From a Writers Kitchen for her pointing me to  C.U.A.  anyone know where I find the local chapter of Computer User Anonymous?

What would you do if you had no computer for 24 hours?


  1. Hmm, if I had no computer I couldn't download photos. Nope, that wouldn't work at all.

    I love the shots of that beautiful Passion flower.

  2. congrats, you survived.

    I don't think I could last that long.

    Let me tell you what I did today, on the last week of my holidays, I intended to edit a manuscript I last went into 5 years ago.

    Instead I went t the internet to check my email and blog.

    Somehow, the internet connection failed in the afternoon, after I got tired of editing, I watched some TV, and back to editing.

    Internet came back at 8 pm,
    here I am reading your site.

    So will I be making another quilt? May be when I am waiting to be a grandma. My kids aren't promising.

  3. You are an addict for sure but if that is what makes you happy why would you deny yourself. Go for it and enjoy. Life is too short to deny yourself little pleasures. I make myself do the chores first before I turn on my computer because once I do that little else gets done. If I didn't have a computer for 48 hours, I would work in the garden, catch up renovating my photo albums and scrap books, read, go to the movies, finish my life story.

  4. I see that you didn't actually get into any trouble during the 48 hours--at least nothing that you've shared. Was it just a test? I've considered not posting during the weekend but, to be honest, I'd have to check out everyone, etc.. I'd just feel too cut off. For those who find this an "addiction", I'd point out the first telephones. Now, most people have a phone attached to them at all times!

    Gotta go finish surfing the web.


  5. My computer is where I meet so many of my friends.I have no intention of voluntarily giving it up.My resolve would not be that good,so why try.I am glad you chose to come back to cyberland,I would miss you if you were not here.

  6. I admit that I go 24 hours or more lately with no contact with my laptop. But I think many of us, as we age or face mobility challenges, depend on our computers to shop and to visit with friends and to keep up with our kids and grandkids!.I enjoyed that your withdrawal resulted in more flower and foliage pix of the MadSnapper Nature Sanctuary!

  7. Well---I'm definitely a computer addict.. Even if I gave up blogging for a day or two, what would I want to do???? My Family History...And where is that??? On my computer....

    I do enjoy not posting a blog post on the weekends because I can still be on the computer doing what I want to do --plus some Family History...

    Loved your story. It would be so true for me...
    P.S. That Passion Vine is gorgeous.

  8. I'm pretty sure I couldn't survive 24 hours without a computer (or iPad). I've computerized almost everything I do, except pull weeds and mow the lawn. I wonder if I could get the computer to do those for me?

  9. I have done it a time or two - however it gave me the feeling that something was wrong or missing! And it was. Love the computer too!

  10. I enjoy the computer....but sometimes it's nice just to get away from it....Beth would read books ALL day if she had the I enjoy naps! AND FOOTBALL!

  11. I'd be totally lost without my computer. I pay my bills on it, blog, email, play games, download all my photos. It even goes on vacation with me! I'm doomed without it!!!!

  12. LOL! Computer=me too : ) I guess I'd sleep or read or both!

  13. I do love that passion vine flower. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it.

  14. it is not easy....I tried giving it up for lent....only lasted 2 days.....oh well

  15. You were very brave to do that experiment. I'm sure I could not do it. :)

  16. I would be very bored.... I get up in the morning, get my coffee and go to my laptop to see which of my friends/relatives have written me. When our computer is out of commission, Snapper II and I are miserable! If I am gone, I don't think about it, but if I am home, I check it many times a day. I love getting email!
    Love ya, Madeline

  17. just thinking about going a whole 24 hours with no computer gives me the shakes. The only way I could do it is if I was unconscious.
    I could go a day without blogging and reading blogs but I would still have to play with photoshop or a game or surf the web or something, email, oh yes I would have to check my email :)

  18. Luckily now I have my android phone... ;)

  19. I'd go through withdrawal!!! Especially not being able to download photos.

  20. Such lovely pictures today!! I see a little plumbago, and arrowhead with the purple flowers (not in that order) I like the blurry background and of course I enjoy the passion on the fence-

  21. Love this post. I never thought I was addicted but I guess i am at that.
    When I go away I honestly don't miss it but when I get home the computer is the first place I go.
    Doing a blog has opened up a whole new world of friends and interesting info. for me. Wouldn't trade it for anything. I just wish I knew more about how to do things on it.
