Sunday, July 24, 2011

Butterflies are Free

 Once I was a caterpillar
crawling on the ground.
Then I spun a chrysalis,
and wrapped it all around.
Then one day the sun shone,
and warmed me all inside,
Slowly slowly I emerged,
I could no longer hide.
I soaked in the sunshine
for a long long while,

Then I tried my brand new wings, And it made me smile!
Now I'm a little butterfly, colorful and bright,
You might see me if you look outside when it's light.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 
   2 Corinthians 5:17 

I am adding an update, I just read my friends b log, he is Snapper II and is married to my best friend from high school. if you need a laugh visit this post and be sure to read the first comment which is from his wife Madeline  SNAPPER II


  1. you're a butterfly
    and butterflies are free to fly
    fly away, high away, bye bye

    oh sorry, couldn't help singing that song. :)

    Beautiful shots and a lovely poem

  2. Nice pics Sandra and I love the poem.

  3. in my school, we grow swan plants, for the Monarch butterflies. The kids get a good knowledge of the cycle.

  4. I lovethis post. Butterflies go god with any setting great post.

  5. nice post the colors..

  6. Beutiful flower and butterfly. Enjoyed my visit to Snapper II. That was fun.

  7. Your butterfly pictures and poem go great with the Scripture. Thanks for the mention of Snapper II's blog. That 'hearse' is really something.

  8. Your pictures are gorgeous! I don't know how you got such good ones in the wind, unless you used the fast motion setting. The Snapper II post is so weird! I think it may have been the real deal, and the departed had a huge sense of humor, maybe last wishes for funeral instructions? Or not. I really would have followed it, yes, I would!! And see where they went and everything!

  9. Hi Sandra, Beautiful post today and I love the poem and video... Windy huh????? Butterflies are just so special... Thanks!!!


  10. ohh and i like those flowers too!!!

    ok hopping over to snapper 2 and check it out!

    Thanks and i hope you have a great sunday!

  11. Thanks for the tip to visit Snapper II. Very funny!

  12. How beautiful the butterfly became from all it's hard work to grow and change!

  13. Love the poem! And what a beautiful and charming post. Thanks for the visit and leaving comment in my main blog. I don't know about my Random Notion blog, I did try to fix the comment but at the moment, it doesn't seem to appear. Hope it will soon! I enjoy reading yours. ^-^

  14. The butterfly is so pretty and I love that poem.

    Snapper II's post is funny. I did think it was real for a second or two.

  15. Hey, I couldn't see the video for some reason (that happen to me too) I will check back. The butterflies are beautiful..they're on your dwarf p. right? Fantastic!! I enjoyed the little poem too-
