Saturday, July 23, 2011

What Was I Thinking Part 2

 After measuring the big red hibiscus, I noticed a brilliant orange one. by this time Bob has gone in his workshop and left me in the back yard with the camera. it is HOT as YOU know what! I pick the flower and take it inside.
 Close Up! Snap! Blah!
 Snap! still Blah, Wait What is That? on the door to the closet?
 Yikes! Bob come in here and look at this. What is it? Bob says in disgusted voice. "it's a BUG!" and goes back in the workshop. Now this bug was about the size a BB, so I am thinking try FILL FLASH

OOPS! a little much, but he is kind of cute. Bob was staying out of reach of the sound of my voice because usually I am in here on the computer and leave him alone.
 Back to playing with the flower.... Snap! no, don't like it, Try the window (note: it now only 1 PM)

OK, so this is as good as it got and I put the camera down and left the flower on the counter and picked up my book....I read until
to be continued


  1. I like your flashy bug ;)

    Hard to stay away from the computer isn't it. I'm finding my new phone helpful for a bit of 'half-cheating' because then I can sneak a look now and then at my email and facebook and even some favourite blogs; but I don't get caught up in a lot of writing and editing (because that's not so comfortable on the small phone).

  2. I'm not sure I could fill my day as well as you did staying away from the computer. I was up at 3:30 this morning and have been sitting on the deck with the laptop and coffee. At least I'm getting caught up on my reading. I love the shot of the bug with the fill flash. Looks really artsy

  3. Another beautiful Hibiscus and a cute bug.Not long to go now. I'm still wondering how the post is published without touching a computer, maybe secret helpers.

  4. Any distraction will do when trying to stay away from the computer.I hope you found enough of then to make it through.

  5. I love your beautiful flower. Nice flashy bug too...

  6. Just look at all the experimentation you've been able to do with your camera by staying away from the computer.

  7. Gosh Darn---as much fun as you were having on your Bloggy Vacation, I'm afraid that you'll want to do it again soon... I would be SAD!!!!!

    Love the color of that hibiscus...


  8. I do so love how your mind works. Its always a delight coming here to see what your next great adventure will be.
    Its hard to get good pictures in the heat of the day. Like your window one.

  9. WOW to the header!! DOUBLE WOW. EVERYTHING about it is perfect!! The beautiful sun drenched flower, and I love the Madsnapper on the side, it makes it all look rather Chinese, I can look at this forever, that header is all you needed!!! The orange flower is gorgeous, my favorite pictures of it are #1 and #6. The bug, I just sent you a picture of my bug I think it's the same. Well, your bug has bigger eyes, but there are different kinds of these bugs so they still could be the same. You just seem to have better days when you are off the computer!!

  10. I actually like the fill in flash in your bug photo Sandra makes it rather unique and a groovy effect.

  11. That is great tangerine coloured Hibiscus. I got mine in pink! (Flower Memes blog). Love those creepy fellows. Good bonus! ^_^

  12. The flower has a beautiful color, I understand why you wanted to bring it inside.

  13. First thing I notice is the SUNFLOWER on top of your blog. Did you take that photo?
    Beautiful. How hot is it there in at your place?

  14. I laughed out loud when Bob told you it's a bug. Haha!

  15. I really like the bug with the fill flash, it made a really cool photo.

    Love your header. I keep wondering where everyone is finding these sunflowers with lighter colored centers, most of the ones here are really dark. Maybe I'm catching them too late. I'll have to google that question.

  16. Well that is such a pretty hibiscus! At least you don't go around swatting every creature you see (we must be kind women)I was going to say old but then you'd probably think I wasn't including myself (ha ha)..there are few critters I'm not so merciful with (lol). Now did you mean hot - "Bob has gone in his workshop and left me in the back yard with the camera" your from Venus right?! (smile) Wishing you a wonderful day tomorrow-

  17. Man you are so good at keeping busy - I might go crazy - loved your bug and flower pictures.
