Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Datura fastuosa - more pics

Angel Trumpet is in the deadly family of Nightshade

Yesterday I got a letter from Mutual of Omaha that i am pre-approved for 1 million in life insurance no questions asked. Bob said you better get that. I said I am not leaving you a millionaire and he said Don't forget, I've got that purple plant.. and went laughing out the door to fly  his planes

I'm just sayin....

Above shows the back side is just as exotic as the front is and below is the way it looked the morning of July 26th, limp and falling down. there are 3 more buds today, July 26th.

 and The rest of the Story... 3 days later, the bloom dropped and left this odd looking stem.

From Blooming Beauty to sad looking twig in just 3 days
NOTE: to animal lovers, this plant now resides in the front yard under my big picture window. No danger to my sweeties and also the five new buds will be in full view from the sofa


  1. It is beautiful but what a strange looking stem it leaves behind. Glad to hear the datura now resides away from Jake and Baby Girl.

  2. How will you explane it if the neighbors start disappearing. LOL

  3. The short-lived beauty that is also deadly...maybe it's a good thing that it doesn't last long? Wonder if the leaves are toxic, too, or is it just the flower? I'll have to go back and reread your other post...my memory fails me this morning! Your hubby is funny. Sounds like something mine would have said. LOL!

  4. The beauty may be short lived but well worth it.

  5. Thank you for sharing this with me! I love to learn new things!

  6. You have a strange-looking plant once the blossom falls off. I'm glad the plant is now where you can safely watch it.

  7. It truly is a gorgeous flower. Most animals stay away from poisonous plants. Look at all the daffodils that bloom every spring! And poinsettias every winter. :)

  8. Beautiful flower who would know its so deadly!

  9. Wow! exotic. and Bob never lets a moment get dull, does he?

  10. The stem DOES look evil! It should be called The Devil's Whip!! If Bob cracks another joke about the plant, get the insurance and make the dogs the beneficiary!!

  11. This is a beautiful flower that was only around 3 days...1 million, hmmm

  12. You will need to count those buds daily ;)
    It's a beautiful flower when in bloom....

  13. What an odd looking stem ... enticing in all its forms.

  14. Ha Ha---I read what Snapper II wrote ---and I thought to myself: She'd probably like that!!!!! ha ha

    That is one strange plant --especially when it drops it's bloom.... Glad it is in the front now --where you can see it and where your puppies can't get near it.


  15. Only 3 days? How sad. that is a strange looking stem that it leaves behind.
    I got a good laugh out of Ginny's idea to make the dogs the beneficiary's

  16. Isn't the nightshade also an eggplant?

  17. Haha animal lovers?? your a funny lady!


  18. I heard just after 3 days, it can be extracted for fabulous purple lipstick!! (t hee)..
