Monday, August 1, 2011

Passion Plant of many faces

A weed is but an unloved flower.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox

 Let me warn you about this plant, it grows well in the ground but will take over the whole yard in one season. I suggest if you want one to plant it in a pot by a trellis or fence.

For several days in a row, I entertained myself with the sprig of the passion plant that hangs over the fence


  1. That is a beautiful flower. I really like the way you shot it with the fence in the background, the texture really highlights the bloom.

  2. This flower is intriguing. It has such a unique look and at the same time is beautiful.I am sure they wouldn't grow least not outside.

  3. You are so easily entertained!! However, I can see that this beautiful plant could be addictive to watch--and photograph.


  4. oh my gosh that is a beautiful flower...I love the new header....does this flower put of seeds?

  5. It is a beautiful flower. Very delicate looking. I like the wooden fence in the background.
    does it grow in your yard? You said it hangs over the fence.

  6. AWESOME! That is nature's true art!

  7. Hi Sandra, that is a beautiful and unique looking flower! I like how it looks with the wooden fence as a backdrop. Have a good day!

  8. Simply gorgeous. I may have to get this plant for my ugly fence that I see out my kitchen window. A trellis climbing beauty would be perfect. the purple squiggly petals are so intriguing.

  9. What a beautifully unique plant.

  10. What a stunning flower. Love the color.


  11. I have only seen one in my life . I think it was in Hawaii and was drawn to it then.

  12. I confess to loving this weed, it always reminds me of a sea urchin of sorts.
    Passion Flower is our State Wildflower, maybe that's why it grows so freely everywhere :)
    Great shots !

  13. that is one totally amazing looking flower.

  14. This plant has a beautiful blossom, but after you described how it takes over space, I think I'll just look at your pictures when I want to see the blossom.

  15. I love this this an ornamental or do you get fruit? I bought a red one (you've seen it) but doesn't bear fruit. I'd love to get the lavender!! My husband just cut the vine back off a huge Ohia tree cause they tend to choke it out as you say. The fruit from the passion (known as Lilikoi) is of my favorite! I put a fence up for the red one. Love your header Sandra!!

  16. A weed is an unloved flower - have to think about that one.

  17. It looks like it has had a perm

  18. I planted a passion flower vine this year.... actually two of them. One has grown rapidly and I found a single bloom yesterday. The other is still languishing... I hope it will take off soon.

  19. It is indeed a fascinating flower.
