Friday, August 26, 2011

FMTSO- High and Low

 “Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the things you can think up if only you try!”
Dr Seuss

 I think the highest and lowest points are the important ones. Anything else is between. Jim Morrison

Today's subject is High and Low for more of same go to  Friday My Town Shoot Out and join the fun


  1. Getting a bit dizzy here. I love those benches, I know they are sturdy and would not wobble or break! I much prefer a low bench to a high place! But I can feel my knees creaking getting up from there!

  2. Love the benches. I could just sit there and open a book.

  3. Good illustrations of 'high/low', Sandra. I remember when they first opened a 2 story mall in Knoxville... It was such a big deal --and such a new concept back then.. When we visited it, I remember doing tons of walking just to get from one end to the next.

    Love those benches...

  4. These are fantastic Sandra.
    I love the first and third photos. the colors the light and the different railings. Great post.

  5. The benches are my favourite,but you captured high/low very well.I hope you will enjoy a day of highs.

  6. Love that last shot! I just like benches!

  7. You made this a fun post. Very creative. Just the right quotes.

  8. Whew -- wandering the levels of the outdoor entertainment mall was visual vertigo so I was glad to see the benchs where I could sit down. Interesting quotes from those famous philosophers, Dr. Seuss and Jim Morrison

  9. I really like your high and low pictures, but I'm going to rest on the bench since I'm tired from walking up all those steps in the mall.

  10. Great shots illustrating high and low. And I LOVE the Dr. Seuss quote. :)

  11. I love the way you look Sandra - high - low - side to side -around and round!

    You have some nice pictures here and great jokes.

    Love Dr. Seuss!

  12. Wow! I thought my eyes had gone peculiar, what great pics and interesting shapes. Almost like looking through the bars of a cot! The bench looks a practical "sturdy" type, the sort for more than 1 bottom at a time, a sharing bench, lovely..

  13. Beautiful colors and beautiful compositions with attractive prospects.

  14. Oh what fun, you were way up high as you looked down low. That is one of my favorite Dr. Seuss quotes. I haven't heard the Jim Morrison quote before but it sounds just like him, if anyone would have known about "highs" and lows it was Jim Morrison.

  15. whoowh high and low i get it! But Jim Morrison is the best! ;-)

    Thanks for you sweet comment last Monday! yes i'm just catching up!

  16. These are some really neat shots ... the benches are the calmest!

  17. love those quotes and the theme.

  18. Hi Sandra, aren't malls the best places for photos? We were recently in one in RI and security told us we could not take photos, even the head security guy said so. Now I know he was wrong cause in public places, like a mall, you CAN take photos. I just hated that they were telling people the wrong info just to scare them off.

  19. Like your high and low points, and pics too!

  20. I really enjoyed how you showed the highs and lows. The first shot really captured me, the colours are just right to draw the attention to the heights.

  21. Good ones - loved the quotes to go with them!

  22. I love the 1st and the 3rd! great lines in between.

  23. I want those benches...I love Dr. Seuss

  24. Just looking at those stairs makes me tired... I like the benches!!!

  25. Am loving the quotes as much as your gorgeous snaps Sandra.

  26. perfect quotes with the shots Sandra. perfect post!!
