Friday, August 26, 2011

If it looks like a feather?

I clicked on Drafts because it said I had 5, and found this post that I put photos in from January. I have no idea what the plant is, it was growing in Selby Gardens and I liked it, so here it is with a few one line quotes from the www
A closed mouth gathers no foot.

I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers done
Be nice to your kids. They'll choose your nursing home

Error, no keyboard. Press F1 to continue.  (say what?)


  1. I don't know what it is either but I like it.

  2. This is gorgeous.It must be some sort of ornamental grass.

  3. so soft them...

  4. Interesting looking plant. When I first saw it I thought of sea oats, but I know it is not that. Hmmmmmmmmm? Pretty pictures.
    Love, Mad

  5. Sandra, little late in getting to this post, but this might be pampas grass. A neighbor has some of this ornamental grass in his front yard.

  6. Such a pretty sight with the light filtering through.

  7. Whatever it is it is very beautiful. I know it isn't pampas grass since I have that in my yard. I don't think this is any type of grass.
