Friday, August 12, 2011


Judges Chambers, Courthouse @ Manatee Village

courthouse @ Manatee Village

School House Manatee Village

 A farmer was milking his cow. He was just starting to get a good rhythm going when a bug flew into the barn and started circling his head. Suddenly, the bug flew into the cow's ear.
 The farmer didn't think much about it, until the bug squirted out into his bucket. It went in one ear and out the udder.

All Photos taken at Manatee Historical Village
 Today's subject on Friday My Town Shoot Out is Rustic... Pop over and play along or just enjoy 


  1. Old buildings like this are so fascinating. I'm amazed at all the woodwork in the courthouse and school, it is beautiful. Those old stoves are so cool but maybe not the most efficient of heat sources.

  2. Great photos great post.
    I like the Udder Joke, LOL
    I pick the udder one.

  3. I like that joke, this or the udder. Coming from a diary country, and seen cows, I LOl.

  4. I confess, I'm addicted to groaner puns. Loved this one and the photos!

  5. I know not to have a mouth full of coffee when I have your post on my screen or it will be "Coffee Through The Nose" kind of morning.

    And this was one of those morning with the utter joke.

    I love wood, all natural and rustic. BOY, now that was some kind of rustic. Awesome photos.

  6. I like these rustic photos! Blast from the past is fascinating!

  7. Absolutely beautiful! I love visiting places like this. You'll have to tell me where it's at. That courtroom was gorgeous; all that beautiful wood.

  8. Ha, ha, ha! That was a good one! Love the pics!

  9. I really like your rustic photos -- they are all wonderful. But the cow joke deserves a groan.

  10. Love all your pictures and the fly joke was my first laugh of the morning so thank you for that. You picked a great location for this subject.

  11. Like your joke makes me laugh. And your post is awesome. I could only say people before live a simple life like your photos thanks for sharing!


  12. Fascinating images.That court house looks a lot friendlier than any I have seen

  13. Sweet shots. Reminds me of home.

    And yes, I groaned at that joke!

  14. Your photos are excellent. I love rustic things! I attended a one room school my first 6 years about the size of that one. It didn't have that pretty wood in it, however.

  15. such beautiful light in your wonderful photographs.

  16. Don't you love how wood gives such a warm look? Great shots of an interesting place.

    Udderly cool.

  17. Wow, theses are great photos! I think my faves are the schoolroom and the courthouse. The ceiling on the schoolhouse is amazing! I also love the water pump shot. When I first saw the judges chamber picture, I thought "Oh no, what have you done now?" Ha ha ha!!!

  18. Ha! Liked your joke, Sandra!

    Manatee Village looks like a fabulous place to explore.

  19. That was beautiful on the inside and I never would have guessed - wish I had that on the inside of my house!

    Loved your joke!

  20. Now the photos are excellent and the place, itself, is so welcoming to me...familiar. You made me laugh with your joke :)

    All in all, a great visit here today!!

  21. Neat pictures, Sandra... I always enjoy seeing old places like that.... Did you use the outhouse????? I remember when I went to church camp as a young gal, we had to use outhouses.. I was scared that a snake would crawl out of the potty... ha

  22. A fascinating little historical village!

  23. Hi Sandra, these old places are so charming - now, but then all of us who think that may not have experienced anything like this courtroom. Jokes brought a smiole for a Friday and I laughed about the meds post from a couple of days ago.

  24. haha YEAH RIGHT! As a dairy farmer and very profesionalished (i don't know if this is a proper English word, but i'm going with it for now)milker, this can't happen!


    Hope you have a great weekend and i love the pics!

  25. These are awesome. I love stuff like this. That schoolhouse is something else. Just look at all that wood. I love wood :)
    Funny joke too

  26. Love all those old buildings with the warm wood. The outhouse is my favourite, probably because I have memories of using one as a child.
    I'm trying to memorise your little ditty, my granddaughter who has just learnt how to hand milk a cow will love it!

  27. Udderly amazing..(lol) that was a cute joke..and I love all the old images of the farm!! You even have an out house shot with a neat little moon carved in it! In the second photo (to the right)reminds me of a maple table and chairs we had growing up. My parents shipped it over to Hawaii along with an oak table set my Mom had growing up- which my older sister has now. My brothers had the maple bunk beds (must of been a sale) ha ha
    I really like all that farm equipment from by gone days-

  28. Did you hear me laughing? You are Udderly funny!
    Love your photos with all the great textures. I love these historical museums.

  29. Great shadow shot in the judges chambers, very atmospheric, very moooving!!!!

  30. What a great place to visit. Your new banner is terrific!

  31. These are wonderful. I love the light in the first pictures.

  32. Love the pump-and the out house too : )

  33. wonderful choices!! love the last shot and the joke gave me a chuckle.

  34. the good old days....great photos...
