Sunday, August 14, 2011

Swallowtail Tale

I stepped up to the fence and saw movement to my left, jumped back expecting something to jump on me
and there he was, sucked fast to the dwarf Poinciana flower pod, wings madly waving.

Giant Swallowtail

 I ran for the camera and clicked away, as the giant swallowtail, just sat there waving his wings at me.
I put the camera on sport mode and this is what I got.

A butterfly's taste sensors are located below their feet and I watched as he touched down again and again on the bright red and yellow flowers.

A butterfly can see the colors red, green, and yellow, I found this fact on
We have many red, yellow and purple flowers and they seem to love the purple also.

The color in a butterfly's wings does not come from pigment. The color is produced prism-like by light reflected by their transparent wing scales.

What do you call a bug dance?
A moth ball!
Why was the little insect crying?
It wanted it’s moth-er!


  1. special! Just lovely!
    happy Sunday!

  2. the butterfly that lays her eggs on the lime tree is similar to yours. I use to keep lime trees just so butterflies can lay their eggs and for children to learn their cycle.

  3. Nice set Sandra what a beautiful butterfly. thanks for you comment looking forward to tomorrow.

  4. We are seeing more butterflies this year. Someone said it's a good sign--of what? My husband saw a brilliant blue one a few days ago in the garden. Great photos!


  5. Wonderful shots of the butterfly. Whenever I run for my camera whatever I wanted to take a picture of high tails it out of there before I can get back.

  6. LOL! You made me smile. :)) Have a great week.

  7. Hi Sandra, hope your shoulder is feeling better. Thanks for the info on butterlies. We are seeing less this year, despite having a larger wildflower area and wonder if the heat is a factor. Here's a great butterfly site

  8. What a photo op you have there, each photo a work of art. I know how hard it is to capture a decent photo and you mastered it. Thanks for the info too, I had no idea what colors they are interested in.

    God bless you this day and keep you safe.

  9. A beautiful set of photos for a Sunday morning!

  10. I didn't know their sensors were in their feet pads. I think that's fascinating.
    Never thought of putting the camera on sports mode to capture the fluttering. Terrific advice.
    Adore your "groaners" Sandra. Love the Moth Ball.

  11. What a pretty butterfly, the colors are spectacular.
    Such gentle creatures....

  12. Wow!! I like the first picture best of all!! You got amazing pictures, even his eyeballs!! I didn't know about the feet! I wonder why they don't fly away from us like birds do?

  13. What a gorgeous butterfly, he is really enjoying the nectar of the poinciana. You got some really great photos of him, I love that first one.

    I am seeing lots of butterflies now but they are not staying on a flower for more than a second, it has been impossible to get a good shot. I have lots of blurs even in action mode.

  14. You need to send in some pictures to NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC - I am not kidding. Those are GORGEOUS! Love them. So pretty and those colors...

  15. These macros of the butterfly are excellent.

  16. How wonderful, I just posted a swallowtail picture today too! Loved your info, I was much lazier and just put up one pic, your pictures were great, loved the colors:)

  17. Excellent pictures of the butterfly, Sandra. Your macros are fabulous... Thanks so much!!!

  18. Stunning series of photos, Sandra!

  19. Great shots of the swallowtail! WOW!

  20. great photos Sandra...I'm playing catch up on your jokes they make me smile....

  21. Beautiful butterfly on likewise beautiful flower!

  22. Hi Sandra -

    I'm Sandra,too.

    I adored looking at these butterfly shots and the facts that you posted about them.

    The photos are splendid beauty indeed. I love the views of our Lord's graceful butterfly creatures.
