Monday, August 15, 2011

Night Blooming Cactus

 This pine is about 2 stories high, and way, way up in the top we watched the buds, 6 on one frond, and we have never seen that. Picture the above tree with the below blooms, 32 of them. below is photo I took in 07 with a flash light held by hubby at 4 AM

 click on photo to see details of wonder

 they bloom only in the darkness of night and when the sun comes up, they droop and die. One night of glory and no one to see them.
 Each morning we go in the back yard at 4 am with the dogs and shine the flashlight up to see how many bloomed.
 Friday AM there were 31 and Saturday another 20 plus. I am unalble to get photos to show the glorious way we feel when we stare up at these flowers.
 They are 12 inches long and 7 to 10 inches wide at the end of the bloom, very large
 Amazing bridal bouquet for a giant, since it is about 20 to 25 feet long
 And way at the tip top of the tree 3 blooms, reaching for the stars at night.
We discovered this night bloomer in August of 2007, it had been there since 1989 when we moved in, but we never saw the blooms. to see the size of the blooms and how beautiful they are up close
click on Queen of the Night... which is it's other name. Labels on side bar click Night Blooming Cactus


  1. They are gorgeous, I love your close ups of the blooms. From looking at your first photo of the flowers at the top of the pine tree I can tell they are huge.

    I remember when you showed these to us last year but I'm going over to take another look at that post.

  2. They are beautiful Sandra.right now there is almost nothing blooming here, it is so hot. you all have so many tropical plants.

  3. I have never seen anything like it before, so beautiful. Does it have a fragrance?

  4. It is the most unusual plant. A friend of mine has one. There are so many in your tree, I'm guessing that a cactus has grown into the tree and it is not the tree flowering.

  5. I love those things. My neighbor has one and she always calls people to "come quick and see" the cactus. I wish I had that big pine tree.

  6. Simply beautifully captured shots...lovely!

  7. Oh wow-it's like out of a fairy tale : ) so pretty-and exotic.

  8. You got some amazing pictures of this night bloomer. The blossoms look spectacular. It must be an awesome experience to see them in person.

  9. So if I am correct it is growing in your pine trees? AMAZING! You do have something going on every week around your yard. Very nice Sandra.

  10. You have the MOST interesting things where you live....I would love to visit there....awesome pics!

  11. I've been away for a couple weeks, but I'm glad for the chance to get back and try to catch up. I see you're keeping busy on your blog.

    Looked back over several of your recent posts and enjoyed them. These night bloomers are cool and I loved your butterflies etc.

  12. They are so pretty. What a pity they bloom at night when only the critter that fertilizes then (probably a moth) can see them!

  13. That is an amazing sight. Just amazing.

  14. I've never heard of one of these. What a shame that it only blooms at night. So pretty

  15. Wow! I am constantly amazed at the wonders at the Mad Snapper homestead!

  16. Wow---what a gorgeous bloom that nobody can enjoy (without your help). I love that Night Blooming Cactus. I've never seen a cactus that tall. Is it attached to the pine tree somehow --or just close to it????? Incredible, Sandra. Thanks for sharing.

  17. That is amazing.I am glad you got these pictures,so those of us who would rather sleep at night,get to enjoy them.too.

  18. What an amazing cactus! The blooms are just beautiful. Love the header today too.

  19. I am behind on your blogs. I just viewed the cactus blooms and they are gorgeous. I would love to see them in person. Until you introduced us to them we had never heard of them. Also I viewed the butterflies before the cactus. Beautiful pictures! What an artist our God is! What a photographer you are!!
    Love ya, Madeline

  20. Do they have a scent too? They look like the ones we have, but every different in blooming during the night. I can't imagine seeing that many blooms in the morning! Maybe you need to camp outside with your camera?

  21. ... okay, there's one reason to get up that early in the morning ... ;)

  22. I remember these..awesome! You think they've been blooming maybe off an on but you hadn't noticed because it's at night and so high? They are gorgeous!! Really incredible Sandra-

  23. I've never seen anything like it. It's so beautiful, it should bloom all day and night so everyone can see it's beauty.
