Monday, August 29, 2011

Happy Hubby's Hobby

 Can you guess what hubby's hobby is from above photo? can you guess what this is?

 If you guessed Blue Core Insulation from Lowes, you guessed right. Hubby builds planes from these sheets of blue core. And they FLY. Above is the wing of his latest creation
The wing fits on this, please pardon his MESS
 He spends hours in the Hangar designing and building planes and flies every single day of the year weather permitting and in Florida that is a lot of flying. (cold/hot/mosquito days, he uses the kitchen table, but that is another story)
He created this last week, the wing span is FIVE Feet. I am glad he has a hobby but there is one thing.
Our Garage is a HANGAR..... to be continued tomorrow.
Does your other half have a hobby? what is it and how does it effect YOU? Is it a Happy Hubby Hobby?


  1. that is really cool. but yes, i can imagine it takes up quite a bit of space too - and makes a mess. :)

  2. That's cool, Sandra. My husband has collected and built model airplanes since he was a child. He loves it. He'd love to scratch build, but it's such a big investment. I'm happy to see you're married to a big kid too. Have a good week.

  3. I went to a tiger moth flight yesterday. The man builds planes from recycled car engines.


    This is the link.

  5. I think my dad would have liked your husband. He loved flying but in them, not from the ground :)

  6. My hubby would like to spend time in your hangar. many years ago he used to build model planes and nearly always crashed them on the first flight. I remember having one on the lounge room floor for weeks.He has a better hobby now. He loves editing videos from footage that he shoots with his video camera, which he renews regularly like money grows on trees. However, he spends most of his time in front of his computer downstairs in his office so he is out of my hair most of the day. On the other hand I need a crow bar to ease him out off his chair to do odd jobs for me.

  7. And don't forget Bob also has a green thumb. He always has something growing, from seed I might add.
    Great Post.

  8. I forgot to add, this was a great idea.

  9. Yes, my husband has hobbies and they require a LOT of space. :)) He's a woodworker, a sculptor, a researcher (you should see his bookshelves!) AND a collector. Ha!

  10. That is quite a hobby, he needs his own space like a shed. I want to see that baby fly~!

    Hubby's was soccer, he was a national ref for years, I am glad it was not a messy hobby, just gone a lot. BUT I did not mind, I did not have to cook dinner.

  11. That's a pretty neat hobby Bob has! I wish my hubby would find himself a hobby too!

  12. This is a neat hobby for him to have...I believe my hubby has bargain shopping as a hobby and that is a problem a bit for us. It is not bad though....clearance stuff

  13. Sandra you are not going to believe this - well maybe you can. Do you know what my other half's hobby is? FLYING RADIO CONTROLLED PLANES and I am going to send this post to him because that is not what he builds them out of! Thanks. Love, sandie

  14. Hi Sandra, Love this post. Your hubby is quite talented... One of my brothers used to make model airplanes --and then one of my sons made some when he was small.

    My hubby has LOTS of hobbies (so do I).. That's why we both stay so busy. But--it keeps us both young and alive!!!

    George's Hobbies: Roses/Flowers, Yardwork, Stamp collection, Music, Computers, Photography, etc...

    Mine: Flowers/Gardening, Birds, Family History, Photography, etc....

    We're a happy couple!!!

  15. I'm impressed that your husband has time to build planes in addition to his green thumb chores. Does he design the planes as well as build them? At least you know where he is at all times.

  16. It's awesome that Bob makes the planes himself! My husband likes building model airplanes and I just gave him and my son their first radio controlled plane for's a bit beat!

  17. Hubby still likes to work at his office helping save people money all week long.
    At home he loves to cook and try out all sorts of unusual creations and combinations. He will shop for odd spices and ingredients and then make something aromatic and often spicy.
    Before sleeping he loves to read and claims he has to make up for all the years he missed cause he didn't have the patience then.

  18. I think that is a neat hobby and looks like a lot of fun! My hubby doesn't have too many hobbies, he does love his job and enjoys fishing and yard work. He likes his naps. :D

  19. that is such a cool need to share some photos of his flights....

  20. My Hubby did have a hobby.It was model railroading.With it came the idea that everything and I mean EVERYTHING might some day be useful.No doubt it would have been had he lived long enough.It made him happy and that made me happy. He would have shared your Hubby's hobby as well.Planes of all sizes and shapes fascinated him as well.

  21. That looks like a fun hobby, I really like Bob's model biplane.

    My hubby has a metal lathe, he says he takes large pieces of metal and makes them small. He seems to spend more time making new gadgets for the lathe itself than for other things. We have a small workshop out back that houses the Black Beast (lathe) so no real effect on me.

  22. Hi Sandra, it's late so I'll try to come back in the morning. Your header is just incredible! So colorful and creative! My husband loves motorcycles and used to takes up time but isn't an every day thing. When he does get a chance to ride, he will spend a good chunk of the day cleaning his bike. Its good though.. I'm glad your hubby enjoys the planes-

  23. I had no ideas the planes were so big! I was thinking small, model planes. Looks like he has to have a truck to move them they are so big. Does he make his own patterns? He ia a pretty smart guy to be able to build these planes!

  24. The last Snapper II comment was from Madeline.... :-) forgot to say that...
