Sunday, August 28, 2011

Think About This, please

 This bike belongs to a homeless person, I pulled my car up to the  curb at the library Friday morning, and as I pulled my camera out, I thought how very blessed I am to be in a car, with AC and the fact that every thing I own is not in the backpack that rides on the back of this bike. the person who owns it, was inside for relief from our heat index of 111 degrees. 

Seven out of 10 Americans are one paycheck away from being homeless.

Families now account for over 40% of the homeless and is the fastest growing section of the homeless population.

It is estimated that 1 out of 100 Americans will experience homelessness this year

    On the lighter side...... What happened after the 5 day bike race? the racers got a weak end off!


  1. thanks for the levity at the end. although the subject matter was definitely worth its somberness...

  2. So very true. we have so much to be thankful for.

  3. It is 'something' to have a bike I suppose, but it certainly does not provide much of a shelter. I have no car but I have a home and I'm thankful.

  4. I tell you we see one man out on a busy street every week - with signs - I know he is mentally ill and someone might take care of him - but it is so sad and we are so lucky!

  5. Thanks for this reminder to share and to be thankful.

    Funny "end" note to your post.

  6. Well---if the Govt. keeps taking our money away from us --we will also be part of that homeless group. In the meantime though, we'll keep enjoying life to the best of our ability.

    Great post--and we all do need to be thankful for what we have, and what we have worked hard to get.

  7. We just don't know how blessed we are Sandra.

  8. it is a shame isn't it....nice photos...

  9. Thoughts we easily overlook. Thank you for the reminder.

  10. The seven out of ten thing is really hard to believe!! It is a nice bike, but so bad that he is homeless, do you know him? For over thirty years, Phil has been friends with a homeless man, Alan. But he CHOOSES to be homeless because he doesn't want to work! He has either quit or got fired from every job he had. He lives in a tent on the edge of the woods, but has a cell phone and computer. Sometimes Phil gets him a phone card or gives him a little money, and I fuss! Because he lives this way by choice. Guess I should be more tolerant.

  11. For all the times I've said I wish we had this or I wish we had that I really do feel blessed. Life could be so much harder. I have a job, a roof over my head and a hot meal every day.
    Very nice post. Good reminder to appreciate what you have because it could be gone tomorrow

  12. You are so right about us being so blessed to have all the things that we have. It could all be taken away in a snap for so many. That is a scary thought.

    Have a Great Day!

  13. Thanks for the post reminding us how fortunate we are. I'm glad the owner of this bike was at least able to get out of the heat for a while. I'm afraid that the homeless situation is going to get worse before it gets better.

  14. Most of us,myself included,have so much to be thankful for,yet all too often complain about little unimportant details.

  15. It's very sad indeed. We have many homeless people here in Canada, too. And while it's true that there are SOME who choose to be homeless, I believe most do NOT.

  16. Statistics like these are really hard to grasp sometimes but your photos are a good illustration. As mentioned above there are some who choose to walk away from responsibility and live this way but others do not.

  17. Yes I do believe we continue to be blessed and need to care for those who really have no control over the blow dealt to then. Actually some of it was caused by all of us expecting nothing could go wrong. We did not really question what we were building when we took the jobs to nations willing to work for much less. We actually condoned it by buying the cheaply produced stuff believing we were saving. HA!
    Not sure why we are so blind . Even now houses remain empty not earning a penny for anyone yet we cannot create a way to make them useful so homeless would be in the past. Habitat for humanity should try to develop a means to reuse those many vacant homes!
