Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Jake in the Jungle 2

can you find Jake?
 Where did the tiger go when he lost his Tail?    to a re-tail store, silly

Jake's Best butt shot

Life is like a dogsled team. If you ain't the lead dog, the scenery never changes.

If there is H2O on the inside of a fire hydrant, what is on the outside?  K9P.

Sweet Marie, is a new blogger and a new friend for me. You can find her blog HERE  


  1. The last phoo is beautiful image of Jake and his jungle activity.

  2. Jake just fits right in with his beautiful coloring! Dropped by to visit Marie's blog this morning too. Thanks for mentioning her blog!

  3. Is Jake of the jungle related to George of the jungle.LOL

  4. Sweet Marie is sweet too.

    Loved your jokes.

    And tell me - does Jake sleep inside the house? He's a big boy - bet he gets hot!

    Nice looking too.

  5. Cute jokes! Thanks for the chuckle this morning. Off to check out your new friend now. Have a good day!

  6. New to your blog. Love all the pictures of your 'kidz" Look forward to more visits here. :)

  7. I will go and check her out sometime today. LOVE your baby pictures!! Gosh, even as a little baby, you look worried!! But much better at two. Of course, I get motion sickness really bad, too. We had streetcars where I lived, and they would have to get me off them I got so sick. Do you love RIDING in a fast car, and going fast?? I wouldn't think....hey, what happened to the hangar? I thought you were going to post that today.

  8. I'm not sure Jake appreciates the first two pictures you posted, but the last two are very good.

  9. Hi Sandra -

    That header photo is visual splendor. Truly, I enjoyed the view.

    As for the other shots, as usual, you capture what immensely appeals to our eye senses.

    Love those dog photos. Especially the ones with the sun in view. How'd you do that?

  10. I don't often laugh out loud when I am by myself,but the fire hydrant one did it.Thanks.

  11. O.k. never mind!! I said my comment was missing, but I was looking at the wrong post!!!! I thought I had commented on the baby one, but it is the Jake one!!!

  12. Thank you so much Sandra, you're very kind for mentioning me. I have the BEST blogging FRIENDS!This is so much more fun and interesting then I ever imagined!
    Love, SweetMarie

  13. By the way, in the first pic I didn't see Jake at first, lol!

  14. What a cutie he is, he does look like a tiger from behind.

    K9P... you floor me.

  15. Well I needed a laugh-and you gave me a few : )

  16. This has to be one of my favorite headers you've done..such a nice job (had to say that again) Oh this was too cute with your Jake in the jungle!!

  17. Jake, the hunter! I guess he is searching for Leonard the lizard... He has a pretty coat.
    Love ya, Madeline

  18. He looks pretty intent on what he is doing.

  19. LOL! Thanks for the laugh. I needed them. Jake and the fire hydrant good one.

  20. Jake is such a good sport to let you post his photos. ;)

  21. and just how does Jake feel about his butt shot showing up on the internet?...lol

  22. great butt shot....I really like Sweet Marie...she is a sweetheart...

  23. Hi Sandra, Frustrated tonight since the internet has been out most of the evening. Grrrrrr...

    Love seeing your baby hiding in the 'jungle'... Not sure he would appreciate you taking a picture of his butt though... ha

  24. Jake of the jungle really blends into the bushes in that first photo.
    K9P? You are one funny Mad Snapper!

  25. This is funny how Jake gets in the jungle!
