Thursday, August 18, 2011

Light in the dark 1

Wed 4 AM... Hubby and I out with the dogs staring up to count the blooms. TEN there are TEN says Sandra. we go to the gym, back home at 6:30 still dark, still beautiful bloom and a light bulb burst over my head.. USE the external flash thingy and see what happens.
 This one flower was only about 20 feet above my head. The view thingy would not let me see it, and the self focus thingy would not go ummmm ummmmm, so I just aimed in general direction and VOILA this is what I got. enlarge and check out the middle of this night bloomer.

In the dark, no focus, no setting up..... sooooo guess what happened next?


  1. Great shots! Sometimes we have to try the impossible cause it often works.

    The detail is amazing considering the distance.

  2. Great pics, I've never seen this flower before

  3. Very interesting. I have not seen this flower before. Great images. :)

  4. Considering the difficulties of night photography you have done exceptionally well. What are you doing going to the gym at that hour of the morning?

  5. Great pictures and detail from so far away! It is amazing to look down into the bloom and see all of it's tiny little intricate parts. Beautiful!
    Love from Mrs. Snapper II (Madeline)

  6. You are up at 4am and exercising - I can barely keep my eyes open today - I got up at 6am - and having trouble adjusting this week.

    Anyway interesting flower/plant.

    It is funny the camera can see things we can't.

  7. How beautiful. Are they hard to grow? I want one. the night is such a nice time to visit our gardens.

  8. It's really pretty! But why is it growing so far up the tree. I didn't know cactus would travel up like a vine.

  9. Great are very good with a camera! I think I've said that before, but it's true!

  10. How could anything better happen? Cannot believe you shot this blind and in the dark!! The shutter must have stayed open a long time and you had a real steady hand. It is even prettier enlarged. That looks like water drops on it? It is best looking with the black background, the white just really shows off. I can't wait till tomorrow to see what happened, I hope it didn't fall on your head or anything.

  11. This is gorgeous. I'm afraid to guess at what happened next,but I am sure you will tell us.LOL

  12. Are you telling me you can get great pictures like this without worrying about focusing, ISO, aperture and shutter speed and all those other things I have to go through?

  13. These are so pretty and shiny, they look gorgeous....too early!!

  14. I am totally amazed how awesome you got these shot in the dark with nothing for the camera to focus on. BRAVO~! I can see the detail inside the flower, now that is zoomin'...

  15. Okay, I wanted to say one more thing....... you are up at 4AM and in the gym and back home before 6:30AM........ OUCH! Talk about early risers.

  16. You can't take a bad picture can you?

  17. Glad you were willing to try this ... it's an intriguing bloom.

  18. Great pictures, Sandra. I did enlarge them .... Wow!!!!! Can't believe something so gorgeous only blooms at night...

  19. Sandra, getting up early really does have benefits, aside from the trip to the gymn which I don't make until 6-8 a.m. This blom was wonderfully captured and once again you have shown us the benefits of ALWAYS having camera in hand - THANKS!

  20. Great shots! What a pity that it blooms only at night!

  21. Well, just goes to show that when you use all the thingys, you get beautiful photos. This is lovely! I miss laughing at your wit every day, wish I had more time to visit, but for the next while I'll just have to pop in when I can. Thank you Sandra for keeping an eye on me!

  22. In Borneo, there is a species that blooms only at mid night. If you have one, you will strike lottery ticket.
