Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Neighborhood Fence

On the way home from the library, I did one of those cut through this street to see if there was anything Camera Worthy. STOP! I says to myself. "there is a FENCE"!

Two kangaroos were living in a zoo pen with a 20-foot high fence.
One morning, both kangaroos were found wandering around the zoo, and were quickly put back in their pen, and the fence was put up to 30 feet.

Next morning, they were found outside again, so the fence was made 40 feet high.
The fence got up to 60 feet, and still the kangaroos were outside in the morning.

One kangaroo says to the other, "How high will they make this fence, do you think?"
"Don't know," says the second. "Depends when they discover they're not locking the gate."


  1. I love your blurry butterfly series and header!! You managed to capture these pretty creatures with some pretty blur and detail! I can just see you staring at them!
    Your fence shots are pretty too, especially with the little flowers-

  2. Your kangaroo funny gave me a jump start this a.m.! hehe.

  3. LOL
    I guessed the gate was open before I read the end. Great fence post. LOL.

  4. I guessed the gate was open too! I love that fence. We have a white picket fence around the back yard. It keeps Oliver in. Kangaroos I'm not so sure.


  5. Love the morning giggle and that fence. I wonder if its the PVC fence? If it gets dirty, spray with a mild bleach solution and rinse. No more painting. My kind of fence.

  6. I love the wallow tail pictures and the fence pictures. Beautiful! Snapper is so smart. I never thought about the gate. I am sitting here reading and wondering how they got out??? Still asleep I guess. Your new header is gorgeous! Love, Madeline

  7. There's just nothing like a white picket fence!

  8. I like the fence you found. I also like the kangaroo story.

  9. I am going to tell Andy that joke.

    The fence is pretty - a lot of upkeep to it.

    Like seeing the front...

  10. Cute joke! Thanks for the chuckle. And that is a pretty fence, I'd love to have one like it.

  11. This makes me want to see the house, but I can see part of it in your picture. Wow, the classic little house with a white picket fence. So everyone in it must be like Ozzie & Harriet and live happily ever after! The flowers really make the whole picture!

  12. Looks like a lot of flowers in this yard. Very pretty.

  13. That is a beautiful fence.I would love to have one like that around my yard.

  14. Good Aussie joke that I will tell my Aussie family.

    We have a real one, my mum hated them for eatng up all her corn seedlings.

  15. I've always wanted a white picket fence around my yard. I love the look of them.

  16. I always loved a white picket fence --especially around a yard filled with beautiful flowers.... Thanks for the photos...

    We can't have fences in our area, but I still love the quote: Good fences make good neighbors...

  17. You had me on the kangaroo story, for a moment at least. I did look over the fence, soon to realize it is a white picket fence with green. Lovely it is. What did you get at the library?

  18. Oh wow, that is so pretty. The flowers all around really make the fence stand out, it wouldn't be nearly so nice with out them.

    Love the joke, I was guessing hole under fence or open gate.

  19. love the the joke...
