Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Senior Citzen & the HandyMan

Grab your thinking cap! in below shot, can you guess what Bobby Appleseed AKA Handy-Man is doing?

Clue HERE: I removed a boiled egg from said Fridge on Wednesday past, and when I tried to peel it, it was frozen solid, the shell came off and what was inside was solid ICE.
Sandra Middle name Chicken Little, runs in circles, the sky is falling, the egg is frozen, there is water on every shelf, something is WRONG! There's water all in the bottom. This fridge is almost 20 years OLD! now we have to buy a new one, do you know WHAT a new fridge cost?
Handyman calmly answers, I can fix it, don't buy groceries this week and let's empty as much as we can.

Monday AM I packed everything into the cooler and poured a bag of ice (DID YOU KNOW ICE IS 2.29 a BAG? did YOU? well it is! the last time I bought ice it was .99 cents. Handy-Man spends 3 hours working on it, and I will not repeat some of the words I heard, and at noonish we put it back together, mopped up the mess and so far it is working fine.

That silly little hole in the middle of the photo above was the culprit, the tube that runs down through the back of the fridge and into that yucky little tray under the fridge, was clogged causing it to FREEZE bottom and top

 Mean while, Senior Citizen Sandra gets a phone call the night before, automated, stating you have a prescription that needs to be refilled. SCS grabs the prescription bottle, pounds away at the push buttons for automated reorder, mechanical voice says, Prescription must have doctor approval, we will place the call, pick up prescription on Tuesday and I hang UP

 OH NO! I ordered the wrong ONE! I pick up the correct bottle, punch the buttons, order it, hang up, call back punch the buttons until I reach a LIVE person in the pharmacy and say, I just auto ordered 2 prescriptions, please cancel the first one. Will do live person responds.

Senior Sandra hangs up and goes to bed. At 4 AM this morning a light bulb goes off. OH NO! the reason it needed doctor authorization is I have the written NEW prescriptions on the counter. I call and push more buttons to find the pharmacy opens at 8. OH GOODY! I can get there BEFORE the call the doctor to OK what she already gave me last week.  I walked to the drop off window with a red face and explained my problem, he smiled and said no problem, it will be ready tomorrow.
Now I am just waiting to see exactly WHAT I will find waiting for me when I pick it up.
Don't you hope it will include MEMORY PILLS?


  1. Now that looks like a not so fun way to spend an afternoon. Glad to hear your handyman got it fixed.

    I use the automated ordering for hubby's prescriptions but they don't call with a reminder. That would probably confuse me. Hope you get the right meds!

  2. Clever handyman you have. ;-) That's one of the reasons I live in a rented apartment... Repairs included! As for the prescription thing, not easy to keep everything in mind. Perhaps we're getting too used to automazation!

  3. Handy and a green thumb. Definitely a keeper! And I. too, am shocked at the price of ice, even though we buy it for our coolers -- multiple times -- every time we go camping.

    I deal with the increased cost by thinking of it as entertainment. Ice keeps our food from spoiling and contributes to our capabilty to eat out, as in eat out of doors, one of our favorite elements of the camping experience. Senior Linda joins you in the automated phone challenges. Loved your veraion of chicken little!

  4. Woooooowww.
    After all of that I'm tired.
    think I'll go wake up a bear, and poke a stick at it.

  5. I'm wanting my refrigerator to go out so I can replace it with a French door freezer on the bottom one!! I'm going to go find that little thingy you pointed out and see if I can clog it up. Thanks for your help! = )


  6. Sure is a good thing your handyman could fix it. Your price of ice is high. Stay cool!

  7. Do you hire out your handyman? Glad to see people on the other side of the world have senior moments too.

  8. The best thing about the fridge is how Clean it is!!! Wow that is nice, glad yall got it fixed. When you find those memory pills, do share the info with me!

  9. Well, when the first pic came up I thought you had one of those husbands that helps you clean house and he was cleaning the frig so you could spend a lovely day taking photos....BUT....it gets even better!! HE is a handyman and saves the day......BOUNS!!

    I know how much they cost, after 25 years we had to get a new frig 2 years ago. OUCH!!!

    Memory pills, I need some of those.

    HOPE the rest of the week will be smooth sailing.

  10. You had quite a day! Why is it that some days are like that?

    Glad your husband was able to fix the fridge. I would hate to replace mine right now. Oh, and I cannot believe the price of ice!

  11. Isn't it nice to have a handyman around once in a while? If you do get some memory pills when you pick up your prescriptions, please let me know. Perhaps my doctor will prescribe some for me.

  12. You are certainly lucky to have Mr. Fix-it living at your house....memory pills you are so funny!

  13. So glad you had Handyman Bob to fix it for you; new ones cost a bundle these days.

  14. Good grief!!! Well, it is just like I always say. People think life is nice and easy and relaxing for us seniors, but it seems to be almost more hectic than for younger people!! The fridge thing would have me in a total dither, too. It is pretty much the most expensive appliance there is, cost more than a furnace! And they say most last about 15 years. Mine is about the age of yours. So it was the hose for the ice-maker...how did it get clogged? Bob is a mechanical genius. As to the pill thing, that automatic orderer, Phil HATES it!! So funny, we were just talking about that!!! He actually stops off at the drugstore and goes in rather than call the recording!! I asked him why and he said the recording is too much trouble, it asks him too many questions, and I said it is even more trouble to sop at the store and walk all the way back to the prescription counter! We did just discover that you don't really have to punch in when you will pick it up. That irritates me, because usually I don't know. This is a great post, a day in the life!

  15. Hi Sandra, well the first thing I thought when I saw the first photo was "nice legs"! LOL!
    Sorry you had the refrigerator problem but good Handy-man could fix it! We had that happen a few years ago. Now our ice maker has quit and we buy ice because the only man around to fix things like that is my ex-son-in-law and I just keep putting off calling him. So we've been doing without ice or buy it. I don't have room for the trays!
    BTW, if you find some memory pills, let me know, this senior citizen could use some too!!

  16. I guess you were right about your day :)
    Nothing worse than the fridge going down. Glad the handyman got it fixed. The pharmacy thing sounds like something I would do.

  17. I miss the days when a "real" person answered the phone! So glad your frig was fixable.

  18. For some reason this just made me feel so much better - misery loves company - WELCOME TO MY WORLD - hehe - this is how I live!

    Seriously though - hope you get the right meds.

  19. Oh ---I love it... That's my life in a nutshell!!!! Let's start a club!!!! ha ha ha

    Glad your handyman got your frig fixed... Our icemaker went out and we can't fix it.... Had someone look at it and they said that we need a new icemaker... May not get one.. We'll just go back to the trays for awhile.


  20. Lol..don't feel bad because my laptop needs a memory chip and I've been needed one longer!!! It's sure nice to have a handy man..I'm presently irritated with mine (ha ha)

  21. So the handyman belongs to you and not like the gardener in the Desperate Housewife. LOL.

    So the Handyman will have to buy you a brand new fridge?

  22. Life at your house must never be boring.Now I do hope you get the right pills,that's kind of important.

  23. You are a total delight Sandra.
    I am always entertained by your writing style and how you can make something so interesting out of the mundane of life.
    I hope you are keeping a journal of all you post everyday.
    Have a great rest of the week.
