Friday, September 2, 2011

Beach Birds

Some of you asked about the name, Beer Can Island. I had to look up the real name, because all my life that is all I knew it by. the real name is Greer Island.

It is not actually an island, but a landform created by cureents and is referred to as a "hooked spit". it is a curved sand bar and creates a sheltered place for boaters to pull up on the sandy beach.

Now it is open only from Daw to 10 PM year round, with no parking allowed for the public. The beach is part of Exclusive Longboat Key city and is home to very high in condos and homes and only very limited access to the beaches. there are 11 parking spots where we park to walk the mile of so. most people prefer by boat. the residents of Longboat do not want the public there but in order to get federal assisantance with beach erosion, they have to have a certain number of spaces open to the general public, which is ME.   (if someone gave us a house there, we could not pay the taxes)

It got the name of Beer Can island years and years ago because it was a popular spot for parties and they left behind their trash. now is is patroled and protected, and it is rare to see a beer can there. I never have. It is posted no alcohol and no dogs off leash.
 Nature is the art of God....... Ralph Waldo Emerson

My mother was born in 1926 and as a teen this was a very popular place to go by boat. Nothing there but dunes when she was a teen, no big houses just miles and miles of beaches.


  1. Hi Sandra, Great birdie photos... Love them!!!! Nice header also.

    I remember Longboat Key.. It is a ritzy place, isn't it??? BUT--that beach is awesome.

  2. Thanks for the additional information about Beer Can Island. I'm not sure I would even feel comfortable walking along the beach -- Longboat Key sounds to exclusive for me. But I sure do like your pictures of the beach and the birds.

  3. Of course you know I love your bird pictures. And I am glad this post is showing birds and not beer cans!! I never asked about the name because I thought this must be the reason. I suppose now that the wealthy have moved there, it will now be called Wine Bottle Island!

  4. Fabulous shots of the birds. Well done!

  5. Love your shots of the sea birds, those gulls are cute. This looks like such a beautiful beach, I'm glad to hear it is still open to the public.

  6. wow!

    STUNNING shots!
    you're truly an artist, Sandra.
    i love them all, especially the first one; beyond beautiful!

    well done you. :)
    betty xx

  7. wonderful shots of the birds. Glad to hear that the people who have the pleasure of living there haven't been able to totally keep the general public from enjoying this beach

  8. WOW, that last one where you caught the bird in flight and the waves below, Perfect.

  9. Beautiful bird shots Sandra! Truly is a wonderful place; I can see why you love it so much.

  10. these are beautiful. and i figured the name came from something like that. people are such trash mongers. glad it is patrolled and protected now. :)

  11. beautiful really got some great shots...oh I wish I was there today...

  12. Great bird photos.The first one,a Willet,is so beautiful in flight.

  13. one more week and I'll be in your neck of the woods...probably hit the coast somewhere around Tampa. can't wait to see the birds and the beautiful beaches.
    So enjoy your blog!! enjoy the day.

  14. All the pics are wonderful! The pics of the birdies you caught in flight are my favorite. I can tell how much you enjoy this piece of paradise. Thanks fo sharing!

  15. Beautiful photos Sandra. I like the way your did the first one.

  16. They are so beautiful. Love the ones in flight. Wonderful photography

  17. WOW, do you live their? What a beautiful place!
    Happy Labor Day!

  18. Interesting, Sandra! Wish I could put my feet in that water and take a walk! It is gorgeous there. Love the birds!


  19. I Love these birds in flight! Beautiful shots...Yes nature is Gods art!

  20. I love the first photo in your post. I've never been there. But I do remember as a child, being able to park almost anywhere and walk down to the beach to swim. Sadly, it is no longer that you well know.

  21. Such a pretty looking beach. So much to see!
    xo Catherine

  22. Great photos and such an interesting history.

  23. Oh my gosh that is a beautiful island - love it and that first picture is amazing - love the way you cropped it. sandie

  24. your mom just loved it! What soft beautiful birds along the sandy sea shore!! Great captures in flight too! So it's a landform created by currents? Very nice. I understand about the taxes and access..enjoyed the quote~
