Friday, September 2, 2011

Beer Can Island-why we love it

Australian pines
 Cont. from yesterday, why was Bob holding my camera? Some of you guessed it, below is the wide view and above is the short view of..........  My Potty Spaces  (well, I AM a woman and holding a camera could be a little AWKWARD)
 the photos are a little dark, but it was early AM just after sunrise and you can see it was coming up fast.
 The bridge is from Coquina Beach to Longboat Key and is a draw bridge for sail boats to come out of the bay and into the gulf.
 All photos taken with my little point and shoot Nikon Coopix that fits in my pocket, and I was glad I had it since I left the extra battery for my Rebel in the car.
 Why we love it.

Very few people, on this visit we were the only ones. Beautiful miles of white sand

Beautiful woods that come down to the waves and sparkling clear water.

 And acres of driftwood. (it is against the law to remove it from the beach)
 The three great elemental sounds in nature are the sound of rain, the sound of wind in a primeval wood, and the sound of the outer ocean on a beach.... Henry Beston


  1. How funny, Sandra... I've been known to do that --when we are hiking DEEP in the woods... Sometimes --one just has to do what one has to do. Right??????

    Great photos... I love the two with the reflections of the trees in the water. Awesome!

  2. A woods on the beach in the water, I've never seen anything like it! So you can actually have it both ways and go camping on the beach!

  3. Breathtaking, I have never seen sand so white. The whole setting is so calming, I would never want to leave.

  4. I don't think the photos are dark at all, they look like early morning on the beach which is a great time of the day.

    I like the almost monochrome look of the water and trees with the only color being the blue of the sky. You also got some great reflections.

  5. that is an amazing beach!
    the photos are beautiful and the reflections in some of them are gorgeous.

    i love walking along the beach, especially in winter when it is deserted.

    have a great day!
    betty xx

  6. amazing photos Sandra...worth the wait...

  7. that's interesting that it's unlawful to remove the driftwood. keeps things very natural looking, for sure.

  8. These pics really pull me in. It looks so serene there, beatiful.

  9. Beer Can Island??? What's not to love! Beautiful pics. I haven't been online lately so I must catch up with your previous posts! Have a great Friday. xo, Bonnie

  10. This looks like a terrific place Sandra. And when a girl has to go a girl has to go! Ha! xo Catherine

  11. Beautiful beach for a walk! And where are the beer cans? HA! jk, it looks like a very clean beach.

  12. I can see why this is one of your favorite places. The sand, water, and trees are all beautiful. Now all you need to do is explain how this beautiful place got its name.

  13. A woman has to do what a woman has to do. :) This beach is a beautiful place,especially for a photographer.

  14. Such a lovely place, Sandra. We went to the beach a few weeks ago and couldn't escape the tourists--loud, noisy tourists. I've lived along the Gulf Coast since I was small and we could always find a seculed, quiet place, but now condos litter the beach, traffic jams the streets, and smiles come to the merchants with the ringing of the cash register. The lovely has slipped away.

  15. Wow, a point and shoot--I'm impressed. Why is it called Beer Can Island? It should have a lovely name!


  16. I love the shiny morning shots.
    A perfect spot for morning devotions. Didn't know that collecting driftwood was against the law. Maybe just at that beach so the ecological factors aren't disturbed.

  17. Lovely series of photos. It must be a beautiful place.

  18. Such beautiful sky and soft colors.

  19. well when nature calls, one must answer :) I can see why you love that beach, again it's gorgeous.

  20. What a beautiful, magical place! I can see why you love it so much.

  21. Gotcha now. Lol

    The beach is really a nice one - you don't find many that aren't loaded with people these days. Must be nice! Enjoy.


  22. A lovely quiet beach place. Love the trees coming to the water's edge. A super place for walks.

  23. I guess you can see I'm catching up.
    I've been held captive by the clean up fairy. Ohhh so wicked that fairy.

  24. bob holds the camera real good as someone gets gorgeous shots! Really pretty driftwood, trees and water

  25. Love these shadowy reflections of trees and driftwood..they glimmer and enchant! Funny, hubby just bought me a red Nikon Coolpix last weekend!! My old faithful camera before digital was a Nikon too. I've been trying to famillarize myself with it.
