Thursday, September 1, 2011

Salty Old Sea Dog

 Due to Wind Sock standing straight out, Hubby Bob could not fly Wed. AM. We decided to go to the beach. Above is entrance to Longboat Key beach, we walked on the beach at 8:15, so a little dark for the photos. (don't fret, I got LOTS of photos to share)
 View to our left, perfect day for it, 75 degrees, sun coming up fast and by the time we left at 9:45 it was HOT. we both love all things beach and this one is less than 10 miles away
 View to our right, as you can see he is already headed to our favorite beach, Beer Can Island, storms had totally destroyed it and it has been closed for 2 years, we found it restored to it's old beauty.
 Can you guess what I was doing while Bob strolled the beach?  here is your hint, Snap Snap Snap
 The gulf waters are crystal clear, Snap Snap Snap
 about a mile hike to the island  , snap snap snap
 my protector! snap snap snap
 Where did he go??? snap snap snap
 There he is.. snap snap snap
 I am WAITING!  snap snap snap
Can you guess why he is holding my camera? answer tomorrow..... and proof I took photos of other things than Bob, my Salty Old Sea Dog....


  1. Just lovely... what a special time. And what a handsome "Salty Old Sea Dog" you have!

  2. Sandra those are wonderful photos! You even got one of Bob smiling! I think you've got yourself one wonderful hubby. Can't wait to see the rest of your photos. The water is so pretty.

  3. You have one handsome sea dog there. The beach looks fabulous with its miles of sand and clear water. I love the shots of the dead trees.

  4. That is a beautiful beach, I love the white sand and clear water. I think you picked the perfect time for a walk .... before it got too hot to enjoy.

    My guess is Bob took your camera so you would stop snapping but he didn't realize you had a spare. LOL!

  5. Hi Sandra, I really enjoyed your series today! Bob and the sandy beach are terrific! What a nice secluded spot..looks moody and can see why its your favorite! Love the old roots. Tons of white sand too (we don't have as much on this side of the island.
    Well I'm on my mobile as my laptop is presently under construction..
    enjoy your day~

  6. Looks like your Salty Old Sea Dog was throughly enjoying himself! Doesn't even look like your snapping bothered him. Yep, even posing for you... I will bet now that yall have found that your favorite beach is back, you will be going more... I know what you were doing, probably in the sand dunes.....? Am I right?
    Love ya, Madeline

  7. now that's quite my place.

    what a lovely sandy beach! i'd love to take long walks on that beautiful beach.

    love the photos, neat and clean.

    and the header is magical...looks like a fairy tale photo.

    betty xx

  8. I wish I was there right this very minute. The coolness. Mmmmm....

  9. I am floored, you live so close and what a beautiful quiet beach. Your hubby looks like a Sea Captain and quite handsome.
    So what were you doing?

  10. That's a great model and great props! Uh, if Bob is holding your camera, you must have a new one that you're using.


  11. and what a patient salty old dog he is. :)

  12. Glad he is a good sport and understanding!

  13. Glad he is a good sport and understanding!

  14. These are wonderful pictures of the beach and your Salty Old Sea Dog. I'm glad you were busy snapping away during your hike. I look forward to seeing how (and why) he got the camera from your hands.

  15. Sandra...yall are so blessed,great fun relaxing times...great photo's,wish I were at the gulf right now.

  16. Handsome Salty Dog! Can't wait to see more pics! Your post made me SMILE!


  17. I love everything from the first picture on! Love that first picture, it draws me in! I can't believe you got Bob to pose for you!!! And fallen trees on a beach? I notice in the second picture there is a ridge across the sand, is that from where the waves hit? I noticed right away how clear the water is? And I cannot imagine why he is holding your camera, it must be something important for you to turn it loose!!! Maybe you needed a bathroom break? But are there porta-potties there? I always love your beach posts, because I have never been to the beach or seen a real one. Except for once when I was so little I don't remember much.

  18. O.K. my second guess why he is holding your camera. You found something real interesting to snap and you need both hands to get it in just the right position for the shot. This is too fun!!! Can't wait till tomorrow!

  19. GREAT shots! I would love to visit a place like that....

  20. A nice stroll on the beach with a handsome guy, who could ask for more? Great shots, Sandra. And I still think your Salty Old Sea Dog has great legs! Have a good day!

  21. Oh My Heart... I'd be walking on that beach every single day. I do remember when we lived in Venice, I loved walking on the beach. BUT--at that time I had 3 little munchkins --so when we went to the beach, I had to watch them like a hawk....

    Wonder if you stuck your tootsies in the water also??????


  22. What a good hubby! I would want to walk that beach everyday. It's so beautiful and peaceful.
    Why was he holding your camera? Maybe he thought you were making a call and you used your camera phone to snap a quick pic. Can't wait to find out!

  23. Green thumb guy, nice to see him out on the beach instead of in the yard working so hard. I love the formations of the clouds and the white sands. Very cool post Sandra.

  24. Adorable...snap, snap, snap.
    I would lobe to be walking on that beach with you two.
    Its almost like being on vacation all the time bing that close to the beach and having it all to yourselves.

  25. Oh darn, I should proof read before hitting send....
    LOVE**** not lobe (sounds like I have a cold)
    being*** not bing!
    I think I need to stop and have some lunch....

  26. what a beautiful stretch of beach. i love driftwood, the look and feel. i especially like the bird against the blue sky framed by the white clouds. that was one great show right down the water's edge.

  27. A beach without tons of people,now that would be my kind of beach.

  28. Great photos! I'm going to Florida (ocala) next week to visit my mom. We plan to make a day trip to the gulf. Can't wait!!

  29. building a sand castle perhaps?!

    these scenes are beautifully serene ...

  30. oh Sandra what a beautiful your Salty old sea dog photos.,,

  31. Yah he wants to leave! haha

    That is what Bastiaan would do, subtle hints it what we call it! ;-)

    Thanks for the pep talk!

  32. I think he's holding your camera because you are playing in the water! But wait... who's taking the photo??? Hmmmm....
    xo Catherine

  33. Looks like a perfect beach for walking.

  34. that is one gorgeous beach. Since I'm catching up here, I started to read your next post and saw continuing on from yesterday. so I stopped reading and thought I would read this one first so as not to miss anything :)

  35. I am thinking he wanted to take your picture. Looks like a great beach. And your hubby is cute!

  36. Sandra all of these are wonderful. Just lost the sand , and beach
