Thursday, September 8, 2011

Carica Papaya

Giving you a break from beach shots, never fear, they will be back
notice the difference in the leaves? they are all on the same plant

While climbing around in our jungle with Coolpix in hand (shocker! right?) I found this plant.
Bob what is this?

Bob "I planted a Papaya seed"

Sandra "WHAT?"  it's a TREE, under the POWER LINES.... it will get to tall, besides I despise Papaya"

Bob "don't worry about it, it will be fine"

Sandra "I disagree.   My opinions may change, but not the fact that I am right
 If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong"

(note: the both be wrong is a quote I found and have been saving for the right post. WORKS HERE

. Found on Wikipedia this info

The papaya is a large tree-like plant, with a single stem growing from 5 to 10 metres (16 to 33 ft) tall
Photo from Wikipedia of what we can expect. are you SEEING this tree THIRTY THREE FEET TALL?
Underneath the power lines? any one have an idea on how to measure how high up the lines are?

I AM RIGHT AND I KNOW IT.... we shall see what we shall see


  1. beautiful shots!

    i love the lighting in them.
    simply great!

    betty xx

  2. That is one odd plant looking TREE!You have to think; How long will it take to grow and how damage will it to when it gets there? Is it pretty enough to frame your area. Then ponder these things for a bit...chew on them... Then when he is out of town, whach it down.....

    I am with you, not fond of the fruit either.

  3. You do not argue with Bobby appleseed. He is the expert. You havent been eaten by the plant he planted, YET. It's going to be alright. LOL

  4. laughing, laughing at that quote and you using it! :)

  5. You are so funny! Love the quote....

  6. I have never seen a papaya tree like that. We used to have two in our back yard when I was growing up. Too bad you don't like papayas, they are good for you! However, I'm not sure about planting it under a power line.


  7. Never seen a papaya tree before! Well, it is not to late to nip this in the bud, so to speak. If Jungle Master likes and wants it, it is still manageable enough that he can keep it trimmed down so it never gets that big. Although I bet he might like to see just how big his baby would get! If he ever needs a part time job, he should for sure be a gardener, we could use him here, even our wildflowers won't bloom!

  8. YIKES!! The papaya tree made me totally forget to tell you about your header! I LOVE it!!!!!!! I was hoping to see flamingos at the safari, but they don't have any. I had to settle for buying Anne a tiny stuffed one. I love the effects you did with it, too.

  9. I use Coolpix camera most of the time because of convenience...You had great shots anyways. I will always take beach pics since I love seeing the beach!!

  10. The more I look at it, the more I see and the prettier it gets!!!!

  11. I can see more posts coming about this plant.This could get interesting,so who needs to read novels,I just go to my blogs. LOL

  12. time will sure tell on this one...and guess whose side I'm leaning towards :)

  13. Beautiful header Sandra; it's PINK, my favorite color! Sometimes we just can't tell them they're wrong they have to find out for themselves. It's just a man thing!

  14. Great shots of the leaves. A tall plant, eh?

    Love the quote: "If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong." Ha!

  15. Great shots! I had never seen or really thought of a Papaya tree before now. What is it with men and fruit? My hubby planted an apple seed and a plum seed. I would love a Peach tree!

  16. Sandra, hopefully you will still be blogging and we, your faithful readers, will still be here to see how tall this tree has gotten in a couple of years.

  17. I have a feeling that Bob is going to lose this one.

  18. I love the strawberry papayas with lime! Very yummy..have a couple growing in the far so good. Sometimes people grow a whole bunch very close together and they are about that tall I guess? I like them nice and thick and healthy. My dad would always make remarks. Good to help digestion! The quotes work well-

  19. Those leaves are really pretty and you can send the papayas up this way, I love them. :D

    The poles our power company uses for residential service are 30' and some of that is buried. I'll let you figure out the rest. I would suggest heavy pruning. LOL!

  20. Sandra - Papaya is good for you! Just don't know if it will be good under power lines! sandie
