Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Trumpet UPDATE

 The Double Purple Trumpet has been blooming it's heart out, this is one of 4 current blooms

and now it has 2 seed pods and for once Bobby Appleseed does not want to plant the seeds, we already have 5 plants of this deadly nightshade.


  1. It's probably a good thing not to have more of these plants in your yard, but the blossoms sure are beautiful.

  2. TOTALLY AWESOME! I want some on Remington they grow in snow banks....didn't think so....

  3. It's so beautiful and fluffy, it reminds me of marshmallows! Your night pictures in the dark are SO good!!! Sharp an clear!

  4. This bloom is gorgeous! And the seed pod is quite interesting too!
    Love these shots!

  5. Well---Mr. Appleseed is probably correct... You really don't want more of them --even though they are gorgeous...

    Love the blooms... Looks like a bunch of fingers holding something in the cup of their hands!!!!! ha

  6. My comment disappeared? Now your header is gorgeous -love the colorful feathers!! These are lovely too and the bud resembles a (smaller though) noni fruit, my hubby just gave me! Eew..he blends it up when it ripens. Anyway- ~wishing you a wonderful afternoon~

  7. Beautiful but weird blossoms. Doesn't look deadly, though. How looks can deceive!

  8. The plant seems to like you a lot! :)

  9. Love the header!
    I've seen a flower like this, it's so pretty and different!

  10. Such a shame that it's so deadly because it sure is pretty.

  11. I love your new is awesome...great photos of the new flower too...can't judge a book by it's cover that's for can something so pretty be deadly...

  12. Amazing how such beauty can be so deadly!

  13. It is a very beautiful bloom, too bad it's deadly. I really like your first photo, it look like some sort of little bird getting ready to fly.

  14. My dear Sandra,
    I've never seen such Trumpet in my life. What a wonderful shape of flower! It's just amazing. Your photos are great. I am also delighted with the header photo on your blog. I am sorry that I didn't know for your birthday earlier but it's never too late for nice wishes. I wish you everything that is only best for you. We don't know what the best is for us, but God knows.
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your visits to my blog and for your friendly and beautiful messages. You are wonderful person and I am happy to meet you. {kisses}.

  15. picking jaw up off the keyboard. This is so beautiful. If you planted the seed pod in the spring would it have flowers that year or how long does it take?


  16. Interesting that something so deadly can be so beautiful - almost like a trick. sandie
