Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Color Me Playing #1

In my childhood, my mother would hand me a color book, scissors, glue and crayons and I would occupy myself for hours. That was Then. this is Now  and I have Photoshop and I can do the same thing, Color, Cut, Paste and no sticky fingers. FOR HOURS!

I am starting a series and as I play will post them under the label of Color Me Playing. In all three of these photos I removed the parrots from one photo and placed in another. The purple was NOT the color of the parrot in the first shot, he was bright blue and I colored him and did not stay in the lines
Green parrot from Jungle Gardens and Banana Trees from my back yard.


  1. Oh yeah, just as much fun but no mess. No gluey fingers or crayon drawings on the walls, our mom's would have love Photoshop!

    I love the middle one, great job on merging the photos. That is one cool parrot.

  2. I like all of them. Photo Shop is amazing.

  3. I like these, but you are showing me how much I have yet to learn about Photoshop. I look forward to seeing more in this series.

  4. Artist in every way and now with photoshop. I wish they did have a purple Macaw.

  5. I want to play too. What version of Photoshop do you have?


  6. I don't have Photoshop, but after seeing these may have to consider it. Looks like a lot of fun!

  7. That is SO cool! You certainly are a good colorer....

  8. Just love the color in that first shot. But that corn foot is freaky! I feel your sense of fun and adventure in your play!

  9. I like to play too so will enjoy seeing what you do to your photos. ;)

  10. Do. not. tempt. me! I have not played with the Elements in a long time, simply because once I start, the hours pass by with me doing nothing.

  11. Forgot to say, I like what you done while playing!

  12. You're right ... so much we have in in our editing! These are fun and great!

  13. LOVE the top one--not only are the colors very cool, but that's one of my favorite framing techniques, and you even included a piece out-of-bounds in the top right! Have you tried the thing where you make a new layer, Gaussian Blur it, then use the eraser to bring out an element or two in the photo? You can go really nuts with lots of blur or if you just do a little, you can create interesting depths of field (depth of fields?) effects. I know all too well how easy it is to while away hours just playing! And you have some great photos to play with!

  14. Your playing is fun for me as well.. cool stuff here, Sandra no sticky fingers:D
    Keep playing,

  15. Love the fun colors in the first pic and in the second pic, the parrot looks so soft. You're having so much fun. I don't even know if I have photoshop. LOL! But, now I'm going to find out. :)

  16. So this is not even the real background, you fooled me!!!! The first one is pretty, though a bit spooky. I think the second is my favorite. With your banana tree, he looks like he is in the jungle! You have an eye for this sort of thing, and Beverly agrees. If I had one of these programs (and I can get plenty on my iPad, I already got two free ones) I just would not know what to do and would make it look bad. I sit there like a big boob and don't really know which thing to paint what color or intensity. And when I do try something, it looks awful. You have to have the talent or the program is nothing.

  17. Fun,fun,fun! I enjoy playing with Photoshop.You did a great job.I think I like a purple parrot.

  18. Oh girl, ya color inside the lines so well! What fun...this is one old gal who'd never seen a purple parrot! Heeehehehe!!!

    Have a blessed day sweetie!!! :o)

  19. I agree with Ginny - you can have all the programs in the world but you have to have the talent = believe me! sandie

  20. I love this kind of playing although I also love the real thing.
    What a great idea for a series too. I think the purple one is awesome.

  21. Wow! You are just awesome Sandra! When I seen the purple parrot I thought to myself "is there really a purple parrot?"! Incredible! It looks so real! Great job!

  22. Looks like you are having some creative fun here! Pretty!
    xo Catherine

  23. YOU are living life and having fun! So happy for you - LOVE the purple parrot!!

  24. I had to go and do ab exercises a minute ago!! My back has been bothering me lately too. Hey, do you do the photo shop..not on your lap top right?
    The purple parrot is cute and I'm sober as can be (ha ha)
    Oh, though the avocados are starting to trickle..we still find some the rats have nibbled (yikes)

  25. love your new look...

  26. Ok, I guess I have to get brave enough to figure out photoshop. This looks like so much fun. Love the purple parrot.

  27. Fun for you, fun for me. thanks for sharing the fun!

  28. Hi Sandra, I'm late getting to this post. We are gone all day yesterday... Great post. I love how much you and George love Photoshop --and all of the neat things it will do...

    Great photos.

  29. awesome series of photos!

    great results. i desperately need to learn how to photoshop my photos.
    i think photoshop editing is way difficult. isn't it?

  30. You're getting so good at this. I wonder if I'll ever find the time and concentration...
