Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pardon Me...Please

If I missed commenting on your blog yesterday, please excuse me. I spent FOUR HOURS reading the book and playing with my NEW Canon Rebel T1i and snapping 172 photos on every setting.

My coffee got cold.... my frustration levels went past a TEN....
 I snapped everything on the table in several different modes, who know what but this proves I was BUSY
I did race outside to try a close up of a limb

 an avacado the squirrels ate most of and dropped on the ground and my sweet Jake

 The whole problem was/is the directions for the camera are in CHINESE....I will conquer the new buttons and get better, so if you miss me, you know what I am doing.


  1. Looks like you should have a good time with a bit of a challange.
    Did yours come with a disk? I have a manuel that mostly refers to the disk.

  2. Aren't new toys supposed to be played with? Playing is fun, so enjoy.

    I love the look on Jake's face. I'm not sure if his expression is for the squirrel or for mommy and the new camera!

  3. Congratulations on your new camera. You look like you are all ready having fun.

  4. You are making this way harder than it needs to be. First, you need to master Chinese!! I take it the new camera is the resolution to your "white" issues. Now I'm off to (finally) read the instructions on my Canon T1i after a year and a half. In my defense, it took me that long to master Chinese.


  5. Maybe it's not Chinese, it could be Egyptian hyrogliphics.

  6. Congratulations on your new camera!

    I had a scare the other day. I thought my Rebel XSis was failing me...but it turned out it was my memory card not the camera, at least this time.

  7. don't you love the rebel....I love mine...

  8. well, so far the color and clarity in these shots are GREAT!!! so keep snapping!

  9. Congrats Sandra! These pics look great! Is that a mug shot Jake is giving you? lol!

  10. Been having trouble getting on your site and now have to get ready for therapy. Can't wait to catch up with you and new camera!

  11. A new camera! WOW! Beth has been thinking of getting a new one too. I think she has worn this one out! Let us know how you like it!

  12. ...but oh what great 'snaps' ya got!

    Your gonna have a blast and a half with your new camera. Chinese...girl, I'd be soooo lost!

    God bless ya and have a terrific day figurin' everything out, I know in the end we'll reap the rewards of your labor! Heeeheehhe!!! :o)

  13. You make me feel very fortunate that my camera came with a manual written in English. You're getting some wonderful pictures by 'playing'. Keep it up.

  14. OH, you're going to love it! Blogging was the reason I had to have better camera, now I am picture happy snapping all day long! Enjoying your blog and I'll be back...

  15. This is why I don't have an SLR! I know you are able to conquer it, you have before, and you are more tech minded than me. But I would be a blithering idiot! There are NO directions in English???? Are you sure? Good Grief!!! Can't you call Canon and they can tell you how to download one, or Google the instruction manual? You must be able to do SOMETHING? All the pictures look good, sharp and clear. When I read your title, the first thing that popped into my mind was "Is this the Chattanooga Choo Choo?" Do you remember that song, the first line starts with "Pardon me".

  16. A new camera...what fun! Great first pix! I'm still trying to learn to use my camera, it just won't focus as well as I'd like it to on a lot of my closeups. The manual for this one is only available online. Have fun snapping!

  17. WTG! Love new cameras. Haven't read the comments so excuse if this is a repeat...but you can probably find the manual in English on line! I have manuals to both cameras, but still downloaded and saved a copy to the computer.

  18. congrats on the new camera! Have lots of fun!

  19. Oh how fun for you! Love new gadgets but so understand the frustrations of the learning! I still don't know all the stuff on my camera cause I just want to go out and take photos all the time!

  20. It will take you longer to read the manual than mastering your new camera Ha Ha. have fun and I look forward to seeing how you get on with your new Canon

  21. Have fun. Things like this make me crazy. Conquering them makes all right with the world.

  22. I'm impressed, you read your manual. I tried to read mine but I just end up getting more confused. I seem to learn better by trial and error. But then again maybe I don't. Looks like you're doing great with the new camera

  23. A new camera! Wow! I look forward to many new pictures.

  24. it seems to me that you love your pets!!! =)

  25. congrats on your new camera!
    can't wait to many new images.

    i've purchased a nikon lately.

  26. A new camera!!! Fun fun fun!! I had the Canon Rebel T1i. It's a great camera. You are going to have lots of fun and you will take some wonderful photos!!

    Play play play with it ~ that's a much better way to learn than reading those crazy manuals! Ha!

    By the way ~ love your Gopher cup! It' reminds me of Pete. :(

    Happy Weekend!
    xo Catherine

  27. I feel your pain. I refuse to read the manual - it's all Greek to me.

  28. Sandra you will have it all figured out in no time. I know it. sandie

  29. You have gotten further along with your new camera than I did. I have a new small Kodak since coolpix was getting old....

  30. Hi Sandra, looks like you are having way too much..or was that frustration with your new Canon dslr. Happy shooting!
