Friday, September 30, 2011

The Truth IS

OK, the book is not ALL Chinese, the 2nd chapter is in English, it has 6 chapters, all different languages.

 I am playing with manual focus and manual settings, trying to get one part sharp and the other blurred.


  1. The last manual like that I got the English section was obviously translated from Japanese, the sentence structure was a little off to say the least. I tossed it!

    Looks like you're getting close. Manipulating depth of field can give you some cool effects.

  2. Check with Tammy. She got a really good manual for the Canon on Amazon. Have fun.


  3. Sometimes manuals are pure greek to me. ;)
    xo Catherine

  4. At least you are trying to use the features of your camera. I leave mine on Auto and have all those cool settings that I know nothing about! I fuss at my husband for not reading manuals and I'm as bad as him! With your determination you will master this I'm sure... have a great weekend!

  5. I gave up on the manual....just fly by the seat of my pants...I do want to find out to increase my shutter spead to take night photos....

  6. Keep playing and posting! Good luck.

  7. I know you'll figure out! The manual looks like it's right here by me in these pics. I can see every little shadow. Can't wait to see what you can do when you figure it all out! :)

  8. well, at least you're reading the manual. i tend to skip that step and never learn...

  9. The manuel will only confuse you.
    Put it on full auto and snapp away.

  10. It is good to study the manual. Mike refuses to look at one and Beth can always find the answer faster than he can figure it out....what a pair those two make....ha ha!

  11. I love how these look like they're tinted in sepia!

  12. I can do exactly what the manual says to do, but pictures still quite often turn out blurry. It's quite annoying, but I'm not giving up! Your photos so far look great to me. Have fun with it.

  13. So far so good! I'm watching and learning along with you, Sandra.

  14. You're definitely making progress. I still don't have manual focus completely under control. (I'm not sure how much I can trust my eyesight at my age.) So I still mostly rely on auto focus.

  15. Just have fun with it. The best part about experimenting is the 'Delete' button.This button is a very good friend of mine.

  16. What a difference a camera makes. Awesome. sandie

  17. It looks chinese to did a good job of showing the focuses

  18. Testing, testing, testing...looks like you are getting the hang of it.

    My trouble is there are features I seldom use and I always have to go look up how to use them.
