Friday, September 30, 2011

Happy Birthday Hubby

Tomorrow, Oct. 1, is my hubby's birthday, he will be exactly 3/4 of a Century old. He neither looks it or acts it. Above is my most favorite photo of him. In honor of his Birthday I am taking tomorrow off from post/comments. See you all on Sunday or maybe not until Monday.

We are not traveling, as you can see above in yesterdays photo, we live in paradise in our back yard.
Happy Birthday Bob, I love you.
Above was taken this morning in downtown, he went with me to the library. We rode on this Fake Harley!
NOT! we did NOT!  He wants a Real Harley, this is a Kawasaki wannabe Harley, the white Vue in the background is what we were in... POOR Man. No Harley!

PS... Bob and my friend Rich voted they did not like my new look, and since I was not "in love" with it, we are back to square one


  1. happy birthday, dear bob! enjoy your day with him, sandra!

  2. Happy Birthday Bob! Both of you enjoy the day and weekend!

  3. I thought you got Bob a motorcycle for his birthday!!!! Till I got to the next sentence, ha ha! I don't know WHY he doesn't want to be in pictures, he is charmingly good looking!!! Tell him Happy Birthday for me! I want to hear all about what you kids do on the weekend. Will you go flying with him in honor of his birthday? You know, when Phil flies, the birds chase the plane. I'm trying to get a video of it. We think the birds think it's a hawk and are trying to chase it away, because small birds will chase and peck larger ones in the air. Knock yourself out and take off the WHOLE weekend!!! Just relax and only do things Bob wants. What is his favorite dessert, will there be birthday cake??

  4. Happy Birthday Bob! Hey, Mike has a "Hardly" too. But he loves it just the same.... Hope you have a fun day!

  5. Happy Birthday to Bob! Have a fun day!

  6. Happy Birthday, Bob.. Great photo of the Birthday guy.

    I to have a Harley wannabe too. He did own a Kawasaki that he and I use to tool around town on but those days are long gone.

    I love your header, Sandra


  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Bobby-Appleseed!
    My Grandma's birthday is Sunday, October 2, she'll be 82. :)
    Hope you two have a wonderful day!

  8. Happy Birthday Bob! I like that picture of him too. I hope you two have a very wonderful weekend.

  9. Happy Birthday Bob! My poor old hubby wants a Harley too! Love that layered photo of Bob on the beach; just beautiful!

  10. Happy birthday Bob - so what are you going to do tomorrow - you two will be spending the whole day together - will you go out to eat - swim - fly?

    And why not let him get a motorcycle???


  11. Happy Birthday to Bob and may he have many more. He does not look that age at all. Its all the good care you give him. YOU truly do live in paradise, look at that pool! how do you keep it so leaf free?

    Hope your day is good.

  12. Happy Birthday Bob! and your great reflect photo would look wonderful on a card!

  13. Aw.. Happy Birthday Bob! Love your first image. LOL! My husband doesn't have paradise in his back yard, but he has a real harley. Enjoy your weekend. :)

  14. Happy Birthday Bob! Hey, he looks pretty good for an old geezer :-)

    Have a nice day Sandra :-)

    & BTW, thanks for your recent comment on my WCS post. ~Ron

    another BTW, your blog makeover looks GREAT!

  15. Happy Birthday to Bob. I think a Harley would make a wonderful birthday present. I hope the two of you have a wonderful weekend.

  16. Happy Birthday Bob! Hope you have a wonderful day! The pool looks inviting but it is just way to cold to swim here in West Virginia!

  17. Happy Birthday, Bob! Sandra, your fav photo was wonderful.

  18. he is a young handsome and strong man.

    Congrats for being his wife. You have fed him well to be so healthy.

  19. Happy Birthday Bob!

    You two have fun this weekend.

    My hubby has a dirt bike that keeps trying to kill him, wish he would trade it for a safer Harley.

  20. Happy birthday Bob, and many more.

  21. Happy Real Birthday to him and I would sing but your computer would crack. Have a fun loving day today you all and enjoy your time off.

    I forgot to say on my other comment, I love how you superimposed the photos.

  22. Best wishes to the birthday guy, Bob. Celebrate and enjoy the day and year ahead - looking good!
    Sandra, maybe you can get him a Harley for under the tree?

  23. I hope you and hubby are having a terrific day and that your hubby is getting his birthday wishes!
    xo Catherine

  24. Happy Birthday, Bob!

    btw, an exceptional photo, Sandra.

  25. Happy birthday to Bob and I hope you're both having a great day. I'm falling behind in my blog reading again, I've been out a lot the last four days!

  26. I must have missed your 'new look'? but I like your 'old look', always did...

  27. Happy Birthday to your hubby! and a "fake" bike is till better then no bike! haha

    Hope you have a great weekend

  28. Hope you are having a good weekend--today is one of my brother's birthdays.

  29. I love that first did you do that? Happy Birthday to your hubby....

  30. I hope your husband had a wonderful day. I think you are part of the reason he looks and acts young. :)

  31. Thought about you two! Hope Bobby Appleseed's birthday was fun and happy!!
