Sunday, October 2, 2011

Words of Wisdom

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So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12

Avoid doing what you would blame others for doing." – Thales[13]

"Do not do to others what would anger you if done to you by others." – Isocrates[16]

UPDATE TO POST per request...
Photo taken on old main street in downtown, bob pointed it out to me when we were taking his photo with the fake Harley. all the lamp post have them as decorations, it is art week, and looks like children did them. they decorate the lamp posts for each holiday, but I have never seen these before.


  1. I Love these. Where is this photo taken.

  2. love it Sandra...have a wonderful Sunday..

  3. Very good words to live by, many don't and it can have lasting negative effects.

    LOVE the photo and the detail on the lantern sure came in clear.

    LOVE the banners on either side of the lanters, will you tell us about those?

  4. Sandra - you needed us!!!!!!!!

    Hey I love those quotes and I know just the place to use them.

    Blessed Sunday.

    Please send me your address - I have a consolation prize for you!

    Tell me your favorite color too.


  5. Sandra, I don't think you must ever be bored. You always find and share something moving, intriguing, entertaining or insipring!

  6. I really like the kids' art being displayed like this.

  7. What a unique way to display their artwork. Hope you and your husband had a nice birthday celebration.

  8. That is a pretty good rule to follow...imagine if everyone lived that way...all the time...myself included.

  9. What a wonderful idea to display children's artwork for the holidays. I am wondering about the shark in your river however, eek! LOL!

    Great words of wisdom too.

  10. Very cool to use the children's art work... love that!

  11. I like the banners on the light posts, as well your words of wisdom. Thanks.
