Sunday, September 11, 2011

Goose Bumps

 Ceremony on CNN Sunday. I am Irish on daddy's side and Scot on Mothers side of the family, and marching feet and beating drums and men in kilts with bag pipes made goose bumps stand up on my arms.
 I stood four feet from our wide screen TV and marched in step with them while taking these photos.

In my car early today, they were taking calls from people telling what they were doing on this day.

Local Caller  said  I am a 26 year veteran Fire Fighter, on the day of the towers, my 9 year old son stayed home sick from school. As we watched the news, he looked up at me and said. "daddy, do we need to get our guns?"
He said his son is now 19 and is a Marine and will leave for Afghanistan in December. He said from the day the boy saw the towers go down, he wanted to protect America.

This  shot of President Obama and the first lady,  looks like the ghosts of the ones who died were gathered to hear the  memorial service.   Pray for our country and our leaders.


  1. This is a very special day and a sad one as well.God Bless America.

  2. There is no way I will EVER forget this day. Hope we all remember. sandie

  3. Bagpipes have a way of stirring the soul. When I hear them I wonder if they were playing as my ancestors marched to Flodden Field or another battle.

    I know I will never forget that day, it is burned in my memory forever.

  4. Goose Bumps is the perfect title. I've had them all day, especially reading and looking at your blog.

  5. This was a sad but nice memorial of 9-11...

  6. what a great post this was for 9-11. I got goose bumps reading the part about the fire fighter and his son.

  7. That day changed more than just the US. There was a huge ripple effect. One that I feel sad about is the false believe that Canadians were involved. In Boston we actually had a frown from a bus driver when we mentioned we were from Canada.
