Sunday, September 11, 2011

Stranger and the Snook

 Saturday early AM, Beer Can Island...and I never know what the morning will bring to my madly snapping self
I passed a lone fisherman, just had to Snap!
 I saw the fisherman walk out of the water with a very large Snook.
I walked over and said, My husband would die to catch that fish.

Meet Arthur and he caught not one but 2 Snook. Snook are the best fish in Florida in my book, next are the grouper.
And I love meeting nice strangers and Yes, I did ask his permission to post his photo.

Arthur, click on My Profile on the side bar and pick up my email address and send me  your email and I will email you the photos.

My friend Diane was there and below are two photos she took of Arthur.


  1. Nice people are everywhere.I also like the background.soft colours and oh so pretty.

  2. Sandra, both the fish and the fisherman were lovely to see and the scenery was beautiful. What a lovely day you had at the beach.

  3. Very interesting, Sandra. It was nice to meet Arthur and his big fish! Beer Can Island is beautiful. Gorgeous pictures, as usual!


  4. I would have posed with the fish and told my husband I caught it. LOL

  5. I never heard of snook! Why isn't it sold in grocery stores and restaurants??? My post is full of nagging questions today, as usual. I love those pictures of this cute and happy guy fishing!! The numbers in your header, what do they represent? Is that how many were liked in each place, it seems so. Your tribute is lovely, classy and fitting. I struggled with doing a post. I had nothing profound to say that others haven't already said. And other bloggers are doing them much better than I could. I guess for once, words failed me.

  6. A good looking young man and that is some fish!!! It is good to come in contact with nice people. They are out there, we just hear more about the ones that are not so nice...
    Love ya, Madeline

  7. I'm with Ginny on the thoughtful and beautiful header. Only I have had nothing profound or otherwise to say in quite a few days. A little overwhemed, I think.

    The Arthur with snook images are a joyous affirmation that there is still simple goodness in our nation.

    Thanks, Sandra.

  8. He is a good looking young man and you can tell he's friendly. His personality is evident in his smile.
    May God bless him.

  9. Nice looking fish - some big ones there - he sure seemed like a nice guy too. sandie

  10. Hmm, I love the blue skies and white sand, it looks like a wonderful day. Arthur's fish looks like a beauty even though I am no familiar with the Snook.

    Great photos, I really like the last one.

  11. Really like the soft colors in these and the vastness of the scenes.

  12. Looks like a wonderful day along the beach. Nice shots.

  13. Oh these are a fabulous series- love your header!! This gentleman looks to friendly for me to think you didn't get permission (only I attempt things like that) lol..he must be thrilled with his catch!

  14. I love these photos ~ the blues are beautiful. The fisherman looks very proud of his catch!
    xo Catherine

  15. Did you ask Arthur what he was using for bait?

  16. I've never heard of snook but that is an impressive fish Arthur is holding. What a good sport he was to let you get his picture and post it

  17. Great pics-and always nice to meet a new friend!

  18. I had never heard of Snook either...but it is amazing the nice people we meet while blogging. Every now and then there is a grouch...but for the most part not.

  19. Is there a season for fishing? Are licenses needed?
    Nice pics.

  20. I would freak out with excitement if I caught this fish!
