Sunday, September 18, 2011

Painted by the Sun

 Notice the differene in the Ibis, above before the sun shines on them, below after. The scenes change by the moment because God is painting with sunshine.
 As I took the photos, the sun rose above the trees and started to wash away the shadows and paint the beach scene with the beauty of the sun.
Click on photo to enlarge
 Our lives are like the beach with the sun, when we are washed with the power of the Blood of  God's Son, our ugly turns to beauty


  1. Just been catching up on your last few blog posts. Love the beach pictures, these here as well as the umbrella.

  2. An apt description of the great light capture on the beach. Beautiful shots.

  3. The beauty you have captured is amazing. I type as I listen to this lovely and inspiring song. Thanks Sandra for starting my day on happy note. Blessings to you.

  4. Wow, what beauty you've captured! Hope you have a wonderful Sunday.

  5. Light perfect, and incredible that the water looks so real as if to touch. Great captures Sandra! I love all these photos. This is what I like about blogging. Seeing new places, and thru the eyes of others. Sharing your hot weather, your beaches. Excellent post.

  6. I love the shadows, too!! Will this all break apart and become driftwood?

  7. Wonderful images of God's "sun" painting. I especially loved the header and the photo of ibises where bills and lehs "popped." Oh yes, and the hymn! Happy Sunday!

  8. Beautiful! I've enjoyed your post today for a good 10 minutes. Thank you. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

  9. Oh my gosh how gorgeous..thank you for pointing that out- how God paints!! Just love your header and the soft pastel reflections! Wishing you a great afternoon-

  10. Wonderful photos Sandra, and what beauty you have captured!

  11. Wonderful images and wonderful post.

  12. As usual I LOVE your photographs.

    Your words this time moved me so much this time too. God paints with sunshine - how awesome and true is that?

    And I am so thankful - he redoes me with sunshine and cleans my soul too.


  13. Again, stunning photos. You capture the artists work perfectly. :)

  14. All of these are absolutely gorgeous. I love them and your words as well. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Amazing driftwood and you photographed it so well.

  16. I love the reflections on the wet sand. The shot you used for your header is just amazing.

  17. You have captured sunrise so beautifully. Love the light and shadows.
    The song is powerful and yes, there's power in the blood of the lamb. Amen!
