Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sleepy Baby Girl

 Where there is a will there is a way. Baby was half shade and half sun, so I had to photoshop.
 Oops! to much light but  you can see The Look .
A little better, but  Is that a one eye glare?
Lullaby and goodnight,


  1. she just wants you out of her face... :)

  2. A big difference in them all, she looks anemic in the one! I know she's glad you are gone now. Sweet dreams, pretty Baby!

  3. Don't you just love those labs? My son has a black lab named Annie and she is a sweetheart. Looks like "baby" is too.

    I see from your profile you were in HR. Me too, retired for a couple of years now. Nice to meet you. ...Marsha @ Spots and Wrinkles.

  4. Look at that sweetie and what a cute face for kisses!! Dont forget to roll her over so she gets an even tan.

  5. Mmmm.... that makes me think I will go curl up on the sunshine that is streaming onto the living room couch. Yup...
    Happy snoozy pup!
    xo Catherine

  6. I think she must love you - she tolerates all those pictures! sandie

  7. She looks like a sweetheart.But her sleepy, comfy curled-uo body language is making me want a nap!

  8. What a sweetie she is! She's probably thinking "there's that camera again, why doesn't she go pester Jake".

  9. Sweet dreams Baby Girl. Thank goodness for photoshop huh

  10. she is a trouper...that face is just sooo sweet...

  11. She seems to have the same look as my kitty ... go away!

  12. Baby Girl is so pretty! Her eyes are such a beautiful color!

    You know Sandra you're interrupting her sleep, now she will only have 19.5 hours instead of 20! LOL!

  13. A nice sunny spot and all seems quiet, the perfect time for a nap. Oh no, there comes mommy with the camera thingy. Poor Baby!

  14. I'm glad you didn't capture me asleep or just about. I think I feel and look that same Doggone way. Smile!
