Friday, September 16, 2011

Help me count the ways...

As we walked onto Beer Can Island, There it WAS. Calling me
Help me count the ways a madly snapping MadSnapper can Snap an Umbrella. (note: this is NOT all that I snapped, there were THIRTY of them.) 
Monday AM, I rushed hubby off to a 7:30 AM appointment to get his annual FASTING blood work
NOTE: Fasting means no coffee at wake up. We were called in before we sat down, and the lab tech said where is the paper? PAPER? I said? AIIEEEEE I left the script at home... Remember here Hubby had not had coffee.
My Senior Memory Moments are driving us both nuts. See quotes below that fit me perfectly
I don't remember being absent minded.

- Ever stop to think and forget to start again?

I can't remember the last time I forgot something.  (could this be why my shadow is in the photo?


  1. The first pic is my favorite, it looks like something from an advertisement for paradise. And of course I love all the bright beautiful colors of the umbrellas.

    Poor hubby, no coffee, no script! LOL!

  2. Ooops! Umbrella, I'm getting tired! LOL!

  3. That umbrella is so bright and colorful. It is absolutely ..... now what was I saying?
    Oh, pretty colors!

  4. Love the bright colors of the umbrella! We won't mention you had a senior moment!

  5. I love that umbrella....the colors are awesome...

  6. Didn't realize it was your shadow until I read the caption. First reaction was Did they try a spot of batik or tie-dying? Obviously I am having sr. moments,too!

  7. That sure is a nice umbrella and makes a very colourful shot. I like them all. Glad to hear others are having the same kind of memory problems as me.

  8. that last photo is my favorite! really pretty!

  9. All the colors of the spectum, Picture postcard shot!

    Brain? what brain??? I do start to remember something and bang!@ its gone then I have to sit and try and think of what it was I was just thinking on.

    Hope the bloodwork was all okay.

  10. Very pretty colors - happy weekend to you!
    xo Catherine

  11. I love every single shot and I love seeing you snapping them!!! The first picture is a striped sunset! We can have coffee with the fasting blood work, just no milk or sugar in it. Did you both go out to breakfast later? The vampires always ask me if I'm going to breakfast after. Seems a lot of people do. I hope you don't live far from the doctor, guess you went back to get the order while Bob cooled his heels in the office?

  12. What happy pics! Smiling in Minnesota....

  13. Such happy colors from every angle.

  14. Love, love, love the umbrella shots. What colors. I think I would have been the "Mad Snapper" too.
    Ah...senior moments..I think its an contagious disease.
    Question...what is the name of the purple flower on your banner header?
    I saw an entire bed of these in Disneyland. The purple was total eye candy. Most of my shots weren't so good since it was the middle of the day and the sun washed them out. I did rescue several. One of which is on my blog today.
    Have a great weekend Sandra.

  15. I like these bright umbrellas. I like your shadow in one too:) I am having those Senior Moments yet I am not ready for them!

  16. That umbrella begs to be photographed in multiple ways,Great pictures.

  17. I think that umbrella was put there for the sole purpose of having it's picture taken by you.
    So just how long did your husband have to wait for his first cup of coffee on Monday? :)

  18. Sandra, WHAT only 30+ photos you must be slowing down or having senior photo moments? The umbrella was a great photo subject. Also enjoyed the previous posts on being southern. As transplants from NJ now living on the VA eastern shore we've heard nearly all of them including "bless his heart" A native later informed us that locals translate this to mean " he's an idiot."

  19. I love all the rainbow colors of the umbrella. Have a good weekend!

  20. Well I love the umbrella and the bright colors!

    And you know what - my memories are causing some funny happenings here too - so I'm hoping that I am just really really busy and stressed!!


  21. I love these beach umbrella shots Sandra!! I see your shadow! Baby girl photos are precious as usual..
    just wanted to say hi, hubby's family flew in this past week and his sister (who lives on the other side of the island has been staying with us until today) a little entertaining:)

  22. Awesome photos Sandra ... I'm missing the beach!

  23. Love the colors against the pale white beach and sky backdrop.

    Mersad Donko Photography
