Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Candle Wax and Focus

 Tip on how to remove old candle wax from holder.

Fill a container with hot water and Murphy's Soap, place containers in and soak for 5 to 10 minutes. Or fill Candle holder with Murphy's Soap, the wax will float to the top, and off the sides in minutes. rinse and they sparkle
NOTE: Murphy's Soap cleans all wood and other surfaces and also mops the floor. Of course you do have to PUSH THE MOP, it is not self propelled.

 I wanted to play with manual setting of auto focus points and needed these to play with, now they are clean.
I learned to put the auto focus on the part of the photo I want to be sharp and clear, see red wax above. The first 3 photos, I did not quite have the hang of it. I did all of these in Manual Mode and had to set Fstop, ISO and Shutter Speed.

 OOPS! to dark
 First try at focus on background, out of focus on subject
 More practice
 Focus on background, subject blurred
Subject focused and sharp, back ground out of focus.  I learned a lot just playing with my candle holders. tomorrow I will show you what the green is.



  1. I use Murphy's Soap for lots of stuff but never thought about it for freeing up candle wax. Thanks for the tip.

    Looks like you had a good practice session. Playing with the depth of field can be fun.

    Your green looks a lot like a bough from the tree in my front yard.

  2. Woof! Woof! Thanks for the tip also
    Lots of Golden Thanks for your blogversary wishes. Delighted to be bloggie friends. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  3. Green looks like some kind of pine.

    Way to go MadSnapper! Photography tutorial, housekeeping tips and a puzzler, all in one post!

  4. Practice makes perfect! Great job and I love how you showed the progression of your shots!

  5. Thanks for the tip about Murphy's Oil soap.I need to practice with my camera,like you are.

  6. glad you're having fun and being productive at the same time. :)

  7. I love seeing all the different tries and learning all about your camera.

    And the tip - loves Murphy's soap.

    And I am guessing like Christmas pine needles?

    Love, sandie

  8. I have Murphy's oil and had no idea it would work on wax. I wish when used on floors that I didn't have to push the mop. LOL!
    I love seeing all these different shots. I'm lost with this stuff! I usually use auto focus and sometimes manual. I have so much to learn about photograpy...I love to snap..snap..snap!

  9. I"m very impressed with the progress you are making with your new camera. You've done much more than I have. I guess I'll have to get busy and start learning how to do more with mine.

  10. I do use Murphy's Soap but I did not know this tip! I'm looking forward to the invention of a self-propelled mop. :)

    Is the green candle wax?

  11. The green looks like an evergreen tree branch...

    Great photos, Sandra.. I like Murphy's soap... BUT--I do have a question for you: IF I purchase the Murphy's soap, will you come and mop my floor???????? Thanks.... I knew you would!!!!! ha

  12. great tip, sandra, thanks for sharing.

    great photography lesson as well.
    great job!

  13. Big thanks for the tip on Murphy's soap..Christmas is a nice time for candles.
    Hey- glad your progressing..(knew you would) I see the steps too. Wishing you a wonderful day~

  14. Never knew that about Murphys Soap ... thanks! And isn't it fun practicing and learning all the ways to capture an image. Fun, fun, fun!

  15. Well, the green sure looks like tree branches. Maybe you are getting out your Christmas decorations? It looks like pine branches. But I'm more interested in that bit of green in the candle holder, I guess it's wax. But it just sparkles SO pretty!!! Great action shots of Jake and Baby below!

  16. I've use plain old hot water to get wax out but never thought of Murphy's oil soap.
    Looks like you had fun practicing.
    the green looks like some kind of pine to me

  17. You spoiled it for me when you said I had to push the mop! Darn it...I thought I was on to something.

  18. Never heard of Murphy's soap, don't think we have that brand here. I guess I shall have to try with the kind I have some time to see it that works as well.
